Blockstructured Adaptive Mesh Refinement in object-oriented C++
2D Euler equations - Shock-Bubble interaction
Problem description Results: 2 Levels 3 Levels
A planar shock-wave hits a spere of lower density. Cylindrical symmetry is exploited by employing the two-dimensional cartesian Euler equations and incorporating additional terms by a fractional step method. This example demonstrates the usage of source terms and auxilary arrays.
Initial / Boundary Conditions
Numerical Simulation
- Two-dimensional Euler-equations for an ideal gas (Air with gamma=1.4)
- Wave propagation scheme with Minmod wave-limiter and transverse wave propagation
- Calculation with CFL-No. 0.8 to time t=0.2
- AMR-computation with a coarse grid of 300x100 cells
2 grid levels:
- Calculation of 341 time steps
- 1 levels with refinement factor 2 is used.
- Finest level corresponds to 600x200 grid (120 K cells)
3 grid levels:
- Calculation of 364 time steps
- 2 levels with refinement factor 2 and 4 are used.
- Finest level corresponds to 2400x800 grid (1.9 M cells)
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