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GridFunction Member List

This is the complete list of members for GridFunction, including all inherited members.
abfunc (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
adaptbndry_flag (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
adaptbndry_update() (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
adaptbndry_update_flag (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
adaptivebndrybox(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int dir) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
adaptivebndrybox(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int dir) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
adaptiveboundary() const (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
adaptiveboundary_type() const (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
AdptBndryUpdateFunc typedef (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
alignment (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
bfunc (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
bndry_flag (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
bndry_update() (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
bndry_update_flag (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
bndrybboxlist (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
BndryUpdateFunc typedef (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
boundary_type() const (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
boundary_width() const (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
boundingbbox(const int t, const int l, const int c) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
boundingbbox(const int t, const int l, const int c)GridFunction [inline]
boundingbboxlist(BBoxList &bbl, const int l) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
bvalue (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
bwidth (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
cfactor (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
checkpoint() (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
childbox(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int j) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
childidx(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int j) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
childlist(const int t, const int l, const int c) constGridFunction [inline]
childlist(const int t, const int l, const int c) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
children(const int t, const int l, const int c) constGridFunction [inline]
chkpt_flag (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
comm() const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
comm(const int t, const int l) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
comm_flag (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
comm_type() const (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
compose_flag (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
composed() const (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
dagh (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
dagh_timeindex(const int t, const int l) constGridFunction [inline]
dagh_timevalue(const int t, const int l) constGridFunction [inline]
data_recv_server (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
databbox(const int t, const int l, const int c) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
databbox(const int t, const int l, const int c)GridFunction [inline]
databboxlist(BBoxList &bbl, const int l) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
exists(const int t, const int l, const int c) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
externalbndrylist(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int dir) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
externalbndrylist(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int dir) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
externalboundaries(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int dir) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
externalboundaries(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int dir) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
externalboundary() const (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
externalghost() const (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
externalghost_width() const (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
extghost_flag (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
extghostwidth (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
factor() const (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
gdb (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
get_phystime_timeindex(const int t, const int l) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
get_phystime_timevalue(const int t, const int l) constGridFunction [inline]
GF_AdaptiveBndryUpdate(const int time, const int level)GridFunction
GF_Alignment() const (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_BndryUpdate(const int time, const int level)GridFunction [inline]
GF_BoundaryWidth(const int width) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_Checkpoint(ofstream &ofs)GridFunction [virtual]
GF_Checkpoint(strstream &ofs)GridFunction [virtual]
GF_Checkpoint_StrStream_Memory() (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [virtual]
GF_CheckpointRecompose()GridFunction [virtual]
GF_CheckpointRecompose(strstream &ifs)GridFunction [virtual]
GF_CheckpointRestart(int proc=-1)GridFunction [virtual]
GF_CheckpointRestart(strstream &ifs)GridFunction [virtual]
GF_Compose() (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private, virtual]
GF_Compose(const int T, const int L) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
GF_Compose(const GridFunction< DAGH_GFType > &gf, const int T, const int L) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
GF_Copy(const int t1, const int l1, const GridFunction< DAGH_GFType > &rhs, const int t2, const int l2, const BBox &where) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_Copy(const int t1, const int l1, const GridFunction< DAGH_GFType > &rhs, const int t2, const int l2) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_CreateGDBStorage(const int t) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
GF_CreateGDBStorage(const int t, const int l) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
GF_CreateStorage(const int t) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
GF_CreateStorage(const int t, const int l) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
GF_CurrentTime(const int lev) constGridFunction [inline]
GF_CycleTimeLevels(const int l) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_DebugPrintData(ostream &os, const int t, const int l) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_DebugPrintDataBlk(ostream &os, const int time, const int level) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_DebugPrintIntData(ostream &os, const int t, const int l) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_DebugPrintTheData(ostream &os) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_DeleteDataCommInfo() (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
GF_DeleteGDBStorage() (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
GF_DeleteGDBStorage(const int t) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private, virtual]
GF_DeleteGDBStorage(const int t, const int l) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
GF_DeleteGhostBndryInfo() (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
GF_DeleteGhostCommInfo() (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
GF_DeleteStorage(const int t) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
GF_DeleteStorage(const int t, const int l) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
GF_DeltaT(const int l) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
GF_DeltaX(const int dim, const int l) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
GF_divide(const int t, const int l, const BBox &where, const DAGH_GFType &val) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_divide(const int t, const int l, const DAGH_GFType &val) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_divide(const int t1, const int l1, const GridFunction< DAGH_GFType > &rhs, const int t2, const int l2, const BBox &where) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_divide(const int t1, const int l1, const GridFunction< DAGH_GFType > &rhs, const int t2, const int l2) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_equals(const int t, const int l, const BBox &where, const DAGH_GFType &val) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_equals(const int t, const int l, const DAGH_GFType &val) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_equals(const int t1, const int l1, const GridFunction< DAGH_GFType > &rhs, const int t2, const int l2, const BBox &where) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_equals(const int t1, const int l1, const GridFunction< DAGH_GFType > &rhs, const int t2, const int l2) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_ExternalBndryUpdate(const int time, const int level)GridFunction
GF_ExternalGhostWidth(const int width) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_Fill(const DAGH_GFType &val, const int time, const int level) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_FreeTmpStorage() (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid
GF_GatherGhostBndryInfo() (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
GF_GatherGhostCommInfo() (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
GF_GetUserFlag(const int id) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_Id() const (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_Init(const int time, const int level, char *args, const int cnt) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_Init(const int time, const int level, const BBox &bb, char *args, const int cnt) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_IO(const int time, const int level, char *args, const int cnt) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_IO(const int time, const int level, const BBox &bb, char *args, const int cnt) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_maxval(const int t, const int l) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_maxval(const int t, const int l, const BBox &where) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_minus(const int t, const int l, const BBox &where, const DAGH_GFType &val) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_minus(const int t, const int l, const DAGH_GFType &val) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_minus(const int t1, const int l1, const GridFunction< DAGH_GFType > &rhs, const int t2, const int l2, const BBox &where) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_minus(const int t1, const int l1, const GridFunction< DAGH_GFType > &rhs, const int t2, const int l2) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_minval(const int t, const int l) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_minval(const int t, const int l, const BBox &where) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_multiply(const int t, const int l, const BBox &where, const DAGH_GFType &val) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_multiply(const int t, const int l, const DAGH_GFType &val) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_multiply(const int t1, const int l1, const GridFunction< DAGH_GFType > &rhs, const int t2, const int l2, const BBox &where) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_multiply(const int t1, const int l1, const GridFunction< DAGH_GFType > &rhs, const int t2, const int l2) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_Name() const (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_Name() (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_NextTime(const int lev) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
GF_norm(const int t, const int l, const int param=(1)) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_norm(const int t, const int l, const BBox &where, const int param=(1)) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_PeriodicBBoxMove(BBox &from, int &idx, const int &length) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
GF_plus(const int t, const int l, const BBox &where, const DAGH_GFType &val) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_plus(const int t, const int l, const DAGH_GFType &val) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_plus(const int t1, const int l1, const GridFunction< DAGH_GFType > &rhs, const int t2, const int l2, const BBox &where) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_plus(const int t1, const int l1, const GridFunction< DAGH_GFType > &rhs, const int t2, const int l2) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_PreviousTime(const int lev) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
GF_product(const int t, const int l) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_product(const int t, const int l, const BBox &where) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_Prolong(const int tf, const int lf, const int tt, const int lt, char *args, const int cnt) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_Prolong(const int tf, const int lf, const int tt, const int lt, const BBox &bb, char *args, const int cnt)GridFunction
GF_Rank() const (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_Read(const int t, const int l, const int gfdtype, char *ioname=0) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_Read(const int t, const int l, const BBox &where, const int gfdtype, char *ioname=0) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_ReadData(const int time) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
GF_ReadData(const int time, const int level) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
GF_ReadData(const int time, GridData< DAGH_GFType > &into) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
GF_ReadGhosts(const int time, const int level) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline, virtual]
GF_ReadGhosts(const int time, const int level, const int axis, const int dir)GridFunction [virtual]
GF_Recompose(int *reuse_possible, GridBoxList **ollist, GridBoxList **rlist, GridBoxList **slist, GridBoxList **olist) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private, virtual]
GF_Restrict(const int tf, const int lf, const int tt, const int lt, char *args, const int cnt) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_Restrict(const int tf, const int lf, const int tt, const int lt, const BBox &bb, char *args, const int cnt)GridFunction
GF_SetAdaptBndryUpdateFlag(const int flag) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_SetAdaptBoundaryType(const int adptbflag) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_SetAdaptiveBndryUpdateFunc(void *abf) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
GF_SetAlignment(const int align) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_SetBndryUpdateFlag(const int flag) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_SetBndryUpdateFunc(void *bf) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
GF_SetBoundaryType(const int bflag) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_SetBoundaryValue(const DAGH_GFType value) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
GF_SetCheckpointFlag(const int flag) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_SetCommType(const int cflag) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_SetExternalGhostFlag(const int egflag) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_SetGridFunctionType(const int gft) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid
GF_SetInitFunc(void *initf) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
GF_SetInitializeFlag(const int flag) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_SetIOFlag(const int flag) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_SetIOFunc(void *iof) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
GF_SetMaxRecomposeLevel(const int l) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_SetMyArgs(const int c, const char *s)GridFunction [inline]
GF_SetName(char *newname) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_SetProlongFlag(const int flag) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_SetProlongFunc(void *pf) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
GF_SetRestrictFlag(const int flag) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_SetRestrictFunc(void *rf) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
GF_SetSpaceStencil(const int s_sten) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid
GF_SetSpaceStencil(const int *s_sten) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid
GF_SetTimeAlias(const int t, const int alias_to) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_SetTimeStencil(const int t_sten) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid
GF_SetUpdateFlag(const int flag) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_SetUpdateFunc(void *uf) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
GF_SetUpGhostCommServers() (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
GF_SetUserFlag(const int id, const short &f) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_StepSize(const int lev) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
GF_sum(const int t, const int l) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_sum(const int t, const int l, const BBox &where) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_SwapTimeLevels(const int l, const int t1, const int t2)GridFunction
GF_Sync(const int time, const int level) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline, virtual]
GF_Sync(const int time, const int level, const int axis, const int dir)GridFunction [inline, virtual]
GF_TimeStep(const int lev) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
GF_Type() const (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
GF_Update(const int time_from, const int time_to, const int level, char *args, const int cnt) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_Update(const int time_from, const int time_to, const int level, const BBox &bb, char *args, const int cnt) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_Write(const int t, const int l, const int gfdtype, char *ioname=0) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_Write(const int t, const int l, const BBox &where, const int gfdtype, char *ioname=0) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GF_WriteGhosts(const int time, const int level) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline, virtual]
GF_WriteGhosts(const int time, const int level, const int axis, const int dir)GridFunction [virtual]
gfid (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
gfname (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
gfrank (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
gftype (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
ghost_recv_cnt (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
ghost_recv_info (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
ghost_recv_server (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
ghost_send_info (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
GridFunction(const GridFunction< DAGH_GFType > &) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
GridFunction(char const name[], GridHierarchy &gh) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GridFunction(const char name[], const int t_sten, const int s_sten, GridHierarchy &gh, const int cflag=(1), const int extghflag=((-1))) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GridFunction(const char name[], const int t_sten, const int s_sten, const int cfac, GridHierarchy &gh, const int cflag=(1), const int extghflag=((-1))) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GridFunction(const char name[], const int t_sten, const int s_sten, GridHierarchy &gh, const int type, const int cflag, const int bflag, const int adptbflag, const int extghflag=((-1))) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GridFunction(const char name[], const int t_sten, const int *s_sten, GridHierarchy &gh, const int type, const int cflag, const int bflag, const int adptbflag, const int extghflag=((-1))) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GridFunction(const char name[], const int t_sten, const int s_sten, GridHierarchy &gh, const int type, const int loff, const int cfac, const int align, const int cflag, const int bflag, const int adptbflag, const int extghflag) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GridFunction(const char name[], const int t_sten, const int *s_sten, GridHierarchy &gh, const int type, const int loff, const int cfac, const int align, const int cflag, const int bflag, const int adptbflag, const int extghflag)GridFunction
GridFunction(const char name[], const int t_sten, const int s_sten, const int time, const int level, GridHierarchy &gh, const int type, const int loff, const int cfac, const int cflag, const int bflag, const int adptbflag, const int extghflag=((-1))) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
GridFunction(const char name[], const int t_sten, const int *s_sten, const int time, const int level, GridHierarchy &gh, const int type, const int loff, const int cfac, const int cflag, const int bflag, const int adptbflag, const int extghflag=((-1)))GridFunction
GridFunction(const char name[], const GridFunction< DAGH_GFType > &gf, const int time, const int level, const int cflag, const int bflag, const int adptbflag, const int extghflag=((-1)))GridFunction
GridFunctionVoid(const int type, const int rank, const char name[], GridHierarchy &gh, const int loff, const int cfac, const int align, const int bndrywidth, const int extghwidth, const int cflag, const int bflag, const int adptbflag, const int extghflag) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid
GridFunctionVoid(const int type, const int rank, const char name[], const int tsten, const int ssten, GridHierarchy &gh, const int loff, const int cfac, const int align, const int bndrywidth, const int extghwidth, const int cflag, const int bflag, const int adptbflag, const int extghflag) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid
GridFunctionVoid(const int type, const int rank, const char name[], const int tsten, const int *ssten, GridHierarchy &gh, const int loff, const int cfac, const int align, const int bndrywidth, const int extghwidth, const int cflag, const int bflag, const int adptbflag, const int extghflag) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid
GridFunctionVoid(const char name[], const int rank, const GridFunctionVoid &gfv, const int cflag, const int bflag, const int adptbflag, const int extghflag) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid
GridHierarchy (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [friend]
gt (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
has_adaptivebndryupdatefunc() (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
has_adaptiveboundaries(const int t, const int l, const int c) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
has_adaptiveboundary(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int dir) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
has_bndryupdatefunc() (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
has_children(const int t, const int l, const int c) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
has_externalboundaries(const int t, const int l, const int c) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
has_externalboundary(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int dir) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
has_initfunc() (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
has_iofunc() (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
has_parents(const int t, const int l, const int c) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
has_prolongfunc() (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
has_restrictrunc() (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
has_updatefunc() (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
ifunc (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
init_flag (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
InitFunc typedef (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
initialize() (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
intbboxlist(BBoxList &bbl, const int l) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
interactions (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
interiorbbox(const int t, const int l, const int c) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
interiorbbox(const int t, const int l, const int c)GridFunction [inline]
io() (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
io_flag (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
IOFunc typedef (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
iofunc (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
ipow(int b, int p) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline, private]
len(int lev) constGridFunction [inline]
Length(GridBoxList *gbl) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
length (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
lmax_recompose (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
loffset (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
myargc (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
myargs (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
mygdb(const int t, const int l, const int c)GridFunction [inline]
operator()(GDIterator_< DAGH_GFType > &gfi) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
operator()(const int t, const int l, const int c) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
operator()(const int t, const int l, const int c)GridFunction [inline]
operator=(const GridFunction< DAGH_GFType > &) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
overlap (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
parentbox(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int j) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
parentidx(const int t, const int l, const int c, const int j) const (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
parentlist(const int t, const int l, const int c) constGridFunction [inline]
parentlist(const int t, const int l, const int c) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
parents(const int t, const int l, const int c) constGridFunction [inline]
pfunc (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
phys_time (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
prolong() (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
prolong_flag (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
prolongbboxlist (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
ProlongFunc typedef (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
rcvindex (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
rcvsize (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
Restrict() (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
restrict_flag (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
RestrictFunc typedef (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
rfunc (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
set_phystime_timeindex(const int t, const int l, const double pht) (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [inline]
set_phystime_timevalue(const int t, const int l, const double pht)GridFunction [inline]
setupdatedvaluestep(const int ustep) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
sndbbox (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
sndcnt (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
sndindex (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
sndlevel (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
sndsize (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
space_sten_rad (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
template_flag (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
time_alias (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
time_sten_rad (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
ufunc (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
update() (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
update_flag (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
updatedstep (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
updatedvaluestep() const (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
UpdateFunc typedef (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction [private]
usedbbox(const BBox &gb, const int &level, const int &align) (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid
usedbbox(const GridBox &gb, const int &level, const int &align)GridFunctionVoid [inline]
userflags (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [protected]
~GridFunction() (defined in GridFunction)GridFunction
~GridFunctionVoid() (defined in GridFunctionVoid)GridFunctionVoid [virtual]

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last update: 06/01/04