Blockstructured Adaptive Mesh Refinement in object-oriented C++
AMRDQFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType > | Generic class for flagging by derived quantities |
AMRDQFlaggingRel< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType > | Generic class for flagging by discontinuities and relative errors of derived quantities |
AMRFixup< VectorType, FixupType > | Generic class for flux-correction at hanging nodes |
AMRFixupInterface< VectorType, FixupType > | Generic interface-class for AMRFixup |
AMRFlagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType > | Computes the scaled gradient and absolute errors on GridData< VectorType > |
AMRFlaggingBase< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType > | Generic base-class for flagging using asolute criteria |
AMRFlaggingBaseInterface< VectorType, FlagType > | Generic interface-class for flagging |
AMRFlaggingRel< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType > | Recognizes discontinuities and computes relative errors on GridData < VectorType > |
AMRFlaggingRelBase< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType > | Generic base-class for flagging with relative criteria |
AMRFlaggingRelBaseInterface< VectorType, FlagType > | Generic interface-class for AMRFlaggingRelBase |
AMRPreAdaptSolver< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType > | An adaptive solver with a predefined adaption |
AMRSolver< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType > | Generic implementation of the Berger-Oliger method |
AMRSolverControl< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType > | SolverControl specialized for Euler equations |
AMRSolverInterface< VectorType > | Generic interface-class for AMRSolver |
AMRVarSolverControl< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType > | A Variable SolverControl for arbitrary equations |
BoundaryConditions< VectorType > | Generic base-class for boundary-conditions |
BoundaryConditionsInterface< VectorType > | Generic interface-class for BoundaryConditions |
ExactSolution< VectorType > | Generic base-class to compare the numerical solution with an exact one |
ExactSolutionInterface< VectorType > | Generic interface-class for ExactSolution |
Fixup< VectorType, FixupType > | Dimensional specialization of FixupBase |
FixupBase< VectorType, FixupType > | Generic base-class for the conservative correction |
FixupBaseInterface< VectorType, FixupType > | Generic inteface-class for FixupBase |
FixupOps< VectorType, FixupType > | Dimensional spezialization of GridData-operations for implementation of conservative correction |
Flagging< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType > | Generic base-class for flagging |
FlaggingInterface< VectorType, FlagType > | Generic interface-class for Flagging |
GridDataFunction< VectorType > | Generic object for functions on GridData< VectorType > |
GridDataFunctionInterface< VectorType > | Generic interface-object for GridDataFunction |
InitialCondition< VectorType > | Generic base-class for initial conditions |
InitialConditionInterface< VectorType > | Generic interface-class for InitialCondition |
Integrator< VectorType > | Generic base-class for application of the numerical method |
IntegratorInterface< VectorType > | Generic interface-class for Integrator |
ODEIntegrator< VectorType > | Generic object for an ODE-solver in C++ for source term integration |
ODEIntegratorInterface< VectorType > | Generic interface-object for ODEIntegrator |
Solver< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType > | Generic base-class for an adaptive method |
SolverControl< VectorType, FixupType, FlagType > | Controls a generic adaptive solver |
SolverControlInterface< VectorType > | Generic interface-class for SolverControl |
SolverInterface< VectorType > | Generic interface-class for Solver |
Timing | Static members store time-values used in benchmarks |
TSSrcIntegrator< VectorType > | Generic base-class for the application of a source term within a fractional-step method |
TSSrcIntegratorInterface< VectorType > | Generic interface-class for TSSrcIntegrator |
Vector< DataType > | Vector implementation |
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