Blockstructured Adaptive Mesh Refinement in object-oriented C++
c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Three-dimensional restriction operator for AMROC. c A coarse cell value is overwritten by the mean value c of all refined cells within this particular coarse cell. c c Interface: c mfx,mfy,mfz := shape of fine grid c mcx,mcy,mcz := shape of coarse grid c c uf(,,) := fine grid c uc(,,) := coarse grid c c lbc(3) := lower bound for coarse grid c ubc(3) := upper bound for coarse grid c lbf(3) := lower bound for fine grid c ubf(3) := upper bound for fine grid c lbr(3) := lower bound for region restriction desired c ufr(3) := upper bound for region restriction desired c shaper(3) := shape of region restriction desired c c Author: Ralf Deiterding c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine restrict3(uf,mfx,mfy,mfz,lbf,ubf, & uc,mcx,mcy,mcz,lbc,ubc, & lbr,ubr,shaper,args,argc) implicit none common /ghosts/ mbc integer mbc,mfx,mfy,mfz,mcx,mcy,mcz integer shaper(3) integer args, argc real*8 uf(args,mfx,mfy,mfz), uc(args,mcx,mcy,mcz) integer lbf(3), ubf(3), & lbc(3), ubc(3), & lbr(3), ubr(3) c Local variables integer i, j, k, m, imin, imax, jmin, jmax, kmin, kmax, & ii, jj, kk, ifine, icoarse, jfine, jcoarse, kfine, kcoarse, & refine, stridec, stridef, meqn, & getindx integer mbcf meqn = args c- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c See definition of member-function extents() in BBox.h c for calculation of stride c- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - stridec = (ubc(1) - lbc(1))/(mcx-1) stridef = (ubf(1) - lbf(1))/(mfx-1) refine = stridec/stridef mbcf = mbc * stridef c- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c Find coarse domain over which to refine c Take three regions and select out intersection c- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - imin = max(lbf(1)+mbcf, lbc(1), lbr(1)) imax = min(ubf(1)-mbcf, ubc(1), ubr(1)) jmin = max(lbf(2)+mbcf, lbc(2), lbr(2)) jmax = min(ubf(2)-mbcf, ubc(2), ubr(2)) kmin = max(lbf(3)+mbcf, lbc(3), lbr(3)) kmax = min(ubf(3)-mbcf, ubc(3), ubr(3)) if (mod(imin-lbc(1),stridec) .ne. 0) then imin = imin + stridec - mod(imin-lbc(1),stridec) endif if (mod(jmin-lbc(2),stridec) .ne. 0) then jmin = jmin + stridec - mod(jmin-lbc(2),stridec) endif if (mod(kmin-lbc(3),stridec) .ne. 0) then kmin = kmin + stridec - mod(kmin-lbc(3),stridec) endif c- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - c Inject points to coarse grid from fine grid c Loop from lower bound to upper bound with stride of refine. c Convert the integer coordinates to fine and coarse grid absolute c coordinates... c- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - do 10 k=kmin, kmax, stridec kfine = getindx(k, lbf(3), stridef) kcoarse = getindx(k, lbc(3), stridec) do 10 j=jmin, jmax, stridec jfine = getindx(j, lbf(2), stridef) jcoarse = getindx(j, lbc(2), stridec) do 10 i=imin, imax, stridec ifine = getindx(i, lbf(1), stridef) icoarse = getindx(i, lbc(1), stridec) ! if (icoarse .gt. mcx .or. ! & jcoarse .gt. mcy .or. ! & kcoarse .gt. mcz) then ! write(0,*)'ERROR in restriction: ', ! & icoarse,jcoarse,kcoarse ! end if do 10 m=1, meqn uc(m,icoarse,jcoarse,kcoarse) = 0 do 20 kk=0, refine-1 do 20 jj=0, refine-1 do 20 ii=0, refine-1 uc(m,icoarse,jcoarse,kcoarse) = & uc(m,icoarse,jcoarse,kcoarse) + & uf(m,ifine+ii,jfine+jj,kfine+kk) 20 continue uc(m,icoarse,jcoarse,kcoarse) = & uc(m,icoarse,jcoarse,kcoarse) / refine**3 10 continue return end
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