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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef _included_GridUnit_h
00002 #define _included_GridUnit_h
00009 #include "DAGHParams.h"
00010 #include "DAGHSfc.h"
00011 #include "BBox.h"
00013 #define GridUnitNULL ((GridUnit *) NULL)
00031 class GridUnit 
00032   {
00033    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const GridUnit&);
00034    friend ofstream& operator<<(ofstream&, const GridUnit&);
00035    friend ifstream& operator>>(ifstream&, GridUnit&);
00036    friend strstream& operator<<(strstream&, const GridUnit&);
00037    friend strstream& operator>>(strstream&, GridUnit&);
00038    friend class GridUnitList;
00040 protected:
00042    short int owner;
00044    short int index;
00046    short int rank;
00048    short int baselev;
00050    short int crslev;
00052    short int finelev;
00054    short int maxlev;
00056    short int minlev;
00058    short int levstep;
00061    short int extent;
00063    int work;                      
00065    dMapIndex baseindex;         
00067    BBox fbb;                   
00069 public:
00071    inline GridUnit(void)
00072         : owner(DAGHNoBody), index(DAGHNull), rank(0), 
00073           baselev(0), crslev(0), finelev(0), 
00074           maxlev(0), minlev(0), levstep(0), 
00075           extent(0), work(0) { }
00086    GridUnit(const int nrank, const int clev, const int* bcoords,
00087             const int ext, const int mlev, const int lstep, 
00088             const int reflev);
00090    GridUnit(const int nrank, const int clev, const int bindex, 
00091             const int ext, const int mlev, const int lstep, 
00092             const int reflev);
00094    inline GridUnit(GridUnit const &other)
00095         : owner(other.owner), index(other.index),
00096           rank(other.rank), baselev(other.baselev),
00097           crslev(other.crslev), finelev(other.finelev),
00098           maxlev(other.maxlev), minlev(other.minlev), 
00099           levstep(other.levstep), extent(other.extent), 
00100           work(, baseindex(other.baseindex),
00101           fbb(other.fbb) 
00102      { }
00104    inline ~GridUnit(void) {}
00106    GridUnit const &operator= (GridUnit const &other);
00108 public:
00110    inline int guOwner(void) const { return (owner); }
00111    inline int guIndex(void) const { return (index); }
00112    inline int guRank(void) const { return (rank); }
00113    inline int guBaseLev(void) const { return (baselev); }
00114    inline int guFineLev(void) const { return (finelev); }
00115    inline int guCrsLev(void) const { return (crslev); }
00116    inline int guNumLev(void) const { return ((finelev-crslev)/levstep+1); }
00117    inline int guMaxLev(void) const { return (maxlev); }
00118    inline int guMinLev(void) const { return (minlev); }
00119    inline int guLevStep(void) const { return (levstep); }
00120    inline int guLevels(void) const { return ((maxlev-minlev)/levstep+1); }
00122    inline int guExtent(const int lev) const
00123    { return ((lev<=finelev && lev>=crslev && extent>=(finelev-lev)) 
00124             ? extent-(finelev-lev) : 0); }
00125    inline int guExtentAbs(const int lev) const
00126    { return ((extent>=(finelev-lev)) ? extent-(finelev-lev) : 0); }
00128    inline void guSetWorkload(const int w) { work = w; }
00129    unsigned inline long guNum(const int overlap) const { return work; }
00130    unsigned inline long guWork(const int overlap) const { return work; }
00131    unsigned inline long guNum(const int lev, const int overlap) const { return work; }
00132    unsigned inline long guWork(const int lev, const int overlap) const { return work; }
00134    unsigned inline long guNum(const short* overlap) const { return work; }
00135    unsigned inline long guWork(const short* overlap) const { return work; }
00136    unsigned inline long guNum(const int lev, const short* overlap) const { return work; }
00137    unsigned inline long guWork(const int lev, const short* overlap) const { return work; }
00139    inline int guContains(const int lev) const
00140         { return (lev<=finelev && lev>=crslev); }
00141    inline int guContains(const int minlev, const int maxlev) const
00142         { return (minlev<=finelev && maxlev>=crslev); }
00144    inline int guLevIndex(const int lev) const
00145         { return ((lev-minlev)/levstep); }
00147    //inline void guSetIndex(const int idx) { index = idx; }
00148    inline void guSetOwner(const int p) { owner = p; }
00150    inline const dMapIndex& guBaseIndex(void) const { return (baseindex); }
00152    dMapIndex guTopIndex(const int lev) const;
00153    dMapIndex guMaxIndex(const int lev) const;
00155 private:
00156    void guLCoords(int *c, const int lev) const;
00157    Coords guLCoords(const int lev) const;
00159    void guUCoords(int *c, const int lev) const;
00160    Coords guUCoords(const int lev) const;
00162    void guSetBBox(); 
00164 public:
00165    const BBox& guBBox() const { return (fbb); }
00167    BBox guBBox(const int lev, const int olap=0, const int extgh=0) const;
00168    BBox guBBoxAbs(const int lev, const int olap=0, const int extgh=0) const;
00170    BBox guBBox(const int lev, const short* olap, const int extgh=0) const;
00171    BBox guBBoxAbs(const int lev, const short* olap, const int extgh=0) const;
00173    BBox guBBox(const int minl, const int maxl,
00174                const short* olap, const int extgh=0) const;
00176    int guInside(const BBox& bbox, const int lev) const;
00179    int operator== (GridUnit const &other) const;
00180    int operator>= (GridUnit const &other) const;
00181    int operator<= (GridUnit const &other) const;
00183    /* Operations on a GridUnit */
00187    void guRefine(const int levs = 1);
00188    void guRefine(GridUnit &gu, const int levs = 1);
00193    void guCoarsen(const int levs = 1);
00194    void guCoarsen(GridUnit &gu, const int levs = 1);
00198    void guDecompose(GridUnit**& gu, int& cnt, const int levs = 1) const;
00201    void guDecomposeReplicate(GridUnit**& gu, int& cnt, const int minext, 
00202                                         const int levs = 1) const;
00204    /* An operator I would like to have */
00205    //void guRecompose(GridUnit**& gu, const int cnt) const;
00210    void guGetLevels(GridUnit** &gu) const;
00211    void guGetLevels(GridUnit &gu, const int lev) const;
00214    inline void guSetDecompose(GridUnit& gu,
00215                               const int lev,
00216                               const int cnt)
00217      { gu.baselev+=lev; gu.extent-=lev; 
00218        gu.baseindex.SetIndex(cnt,gu.baselev,lev); gu.guSetBBox();
00219        gu.guSetWorkload ( gu.guWork(0)/gu.baseindex.GetCardinality(lev) );
00220      }
00222    inline void guSetLevels(GridUnit& gu,
00223                            const int lev)
00224      { gu.extent-=(gu.finelev-lev);
00225        gu.crslev=lev; gu.finelev=lev; 
00226        gu.baselev = gu.finelev-gu.extent; gu.guSetBBox(); }
00228    inline void guSetRefineLevel(GridUnit& gu,
00229                                 const int levs=1)
00230      { gu.crslev=gu.finelev+gu.levstep; gu.finelev+=(levs*gu.levstep);
00231        gu.extent+=levs*gu.levstep; gu.baselev=gu.finelev-gu.extent; 
00232        gu.guSetBBox(); }
00234    inline void guSetCoarsen(GridUnit& gu,
00235                             const int levs=1)
00236      { gu.finelev-=(levs*gu.levstep); gu.extent-=levs*gu.levstep; 
00237        gu.baselev=gu.finelev-gu.extent; gu.guSetBBox(); }
00238    inline void guSetRefine(GridUnit& gu,
00239                            const int levs=1)
00240      { gu.finelev+=(levs*gu.levstep); gu.extent+=levs*gu.levstep; 
00241        gu.baselev=gu.finelev-gu.extent; gu.guSetBBox(); }
00242   };   
00244 ostream&  operator << (ostream& os, const GridUnit& gu);
00245 ofstream& operator << (ofstream& ofs, const GridUnit& gu);
00246 ifstream& operator >> (ifstream& ifs, GridUnit& gu);
00247 strstream& operator << (strstream& ofs, const GridUnit& gu);
00248 strstream& operator >> (strstream& ifs, GridUnit& gu);
00250 #endif

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last update: 06/01/04