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00001 #ifndef _included_GridFunctionComm3_h
00002 #define _included_GridFunctionComm3_h
00009 /*****************************************************************************/
00010 /**** Data Communications: Reads ****/
00011 /*****************************************************************************/
00012 template <class DAGH_GFType>
00013 void GridFunction(3)<DAGH_GFType>::GF_ReadData(const int time) {
00015   List<GridDataBucketVoid*>& lgdbkt = gt->data(time);
00016   GridDataBucketVoid** gdbkt = 0;
00017   DAGHListLoop(lgdbkt, gdbkt, GridDataBucketVoid*) {
00019     GridDataBucket<DAGH_GFType>* rcvbkt = (GridDataBucket<DAGH_GFType> *) *gdbkt;    
00020     const int num = rcvbkt->num();
00021     for (register int i=0;i<num;i++) {
00022       struct gdhdr *gdh == rcvbkt->head(i);
00023       if (gdh->time_value != dagh_timevalue(time_sten_rad,gdh->level)) continue;
00025 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_GF_COMM
00026       ( comm_service::log() << "[GF_ReadData: Extracting" << *gdh
00027         << "]" << endl).flush();
00028 #endif
00030 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT
00031       assert(gdh->time == time);
00032 #endif
00034       const int t = gdh->time;
00035       const int l = gdh->level;
00036       const int idx = gdh->index;
00038 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT
00039       assert (gdb[t]);
00040 #endif
00041       BBox& bbox = gdh->bbox;
00042       if (!bbox.empty() && gdb[t][l][idx]->boundingbox().intersects(bbox)) {
00043         int currank = gdb[t][l][idx]->griddata().bbox().rank;
00044         bbox.rank = currank; 
00045         bbox.lower().rank = currank;
00046         bbox.upper().rank = currank;
00047         bbox.stepsize().rank = currank;
00048         (gdb[t][l][idx]->griddata()).copy(*rcvbkt,i);
00049       }
00050     }
00051     delete rcvbkt; rcvbkt = 0;
00052   } DAGHEndLoop
00053   lgdbkt.empty();
00054 }
00056 template <class DAGH_GFType>
00057 void GridFunction(3)<DAGH_GFType>::GF_ReadData(const int time, 
00058                                                    const int level) {
00060   List<GridDataBucketVoid*>& lgdbkt = gt->data(time);
00061   GridDataBucketVoid** gdbkt = 0;
00062   DAGHListLoop(lgdbkt, gdbkt, GridDataBucketVoid*) {
00064     GridDataBucket<DAGH_GFType>* rcvbkt = (GridDataBucket<DAGH_GFType> *) *gdbkt;
00065     const int num = rcvbkt->num();
00066     for (register int i=0;i<num;i++) {
00067       struct gdhdr *gdh == rcvbkt->head(i);
00068       if (level != gdh->level) continue;
00069       if (gdh->time_value != dagh_timevalue(time_sten_rad,gdh->level)) continue;
00071 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_GF_COMM
00072       ( comm_service::log() << "[GF_ReadData: Extracting"
00073         << *gdh
00074         << "]" << endl).flush();
00075 #endif
00078 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT
00079        assert(gdh->time == time);
00080 #endif
00082        const int t = gdh->time;
00083        const int l = gdh->level;
00084        const int idx = gdh->index;
00085 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT
00086        assert (gdb[t]);
00087 #endif
00088        BBox& bbox = gdh->bbox;
00089        if (!bbox.empty() && gdb[t][l][idx]->boundingbox().intersects(bbox)) {
00090          int currank = gdb[t][l][idx]->griddata().bbox().rank;
00091          bbox.rank = currank; 
00092          bbox.lower().rank = currank;
00093          bbox.upper().rank = currank;
00094          bbox.stepsize().rank = currank;
00095          (gdb[t][l][idx]->griddata()).copy(*rcvbkt,i);
00096        }
00097     }
00098   } DAGHEndLoop
00099   /* lgdbkt.empty() can't be called here, because Buckets can contain more than one level. */
00100   /* Take care to empty list after ALL levels got their data. */
00101 }
00103 template <class DAGH_GFType>
00104 void GridFunction(3)<DAGH_GFType>::GF_ReadData(const int time, 
00105                                                    GridData(3)<DAGH_GFType>& into) {
00107   List<GridDataBucketVoid*>& lgdbkt = gt->data(time);
00108   GridDataBucketVoid** gdbkt = 0;
00109   DAGHListLoop(lgdbkt, gdbkt, GridDataBucketVoid*) {
00110     GridDataBucket<DAGH_GFType>* rcvbkt =
00111       (GridDataBucket<DAGH_GFType> *) *gdbkt;
00112     const int num = rcvbkt->num();
00113     for (register int i=0;i<num;i++) {
00114       struct gdhdr *gdh == rcvbkt->head(i);
00115       if (gdh->time_value != dagh_timevalue(time_sten_rad,gdh->level)) continue;
00117 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_GF_COMM
00118       ( comm_service::log() << "[GF_ReadData: Extracting"
00119         << *rcvbkt->head(i)
00120         << "]" << endl).flush();
00121 #endif
00123       into.copy(*rcvbkt,i);
00124     }
00125     delete rcvbkt; rcvbkt = 0;
00126   } DAGHEndLoop
00127   lgdbkt.empty();
00128 }
00130 /*****************************************************************************/
00131 /**** Ghost Communications: Write ****/
00132 /*****************************************************************************/
00133 template <class DAGH_GFType>
00134 void GridFunction(3)<DAGH_GFType>::GF_WriteGhosts(const int time, 
00135                                                       const int level,
00136                                                       const int axis, 
00137                                                       const int dir) {
00138   const int pnum = comm_service::proc_num();
00139   const int me = comm_service::proc_me();
00140   if (pnum == 1) return;
00142   register int const t = dagh_timeindex(time,level);
00143   register int const l = level;
00144   if (!comm(t,l) || t > 2*time_sten_rad || !gdb[t]) return;
00145   const int idx = (l * DAGHMaxAxis * DAGHMaxDirs) + (axis * DAGHMaxDirs) + dir;
00146   const int time_value = dagh_timevalue(time_sten_rad,level);
00148 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_GF_COMM
00149   ( comm_service::log() << "[GF_WriteGhost t: "<< t << " ]" << endl).flush();
00150 #endif
00151   register int p;
00152   for (p=0;p<pnum;p++) 
00153     if (p!=me && ghost_recv_server[p] && ghost_recv_server[p][idx])
00154       ghost_recv_server[p][idx]->postrcv();
00156   for (p=0;p<pnum;p++) {
00157     if (p == me) continue;
00158     if (ghost_send_info[p] && ghost_send_info[p][idx]) {
00159       GridDataBucket<DAGH_GFType> *gdbkt =
00160         new GridDataBucket<DAGH_GFType>(ghost_send_info[p][idx]->cnt,
00161                                         ghost_send_info[p][idx]->size,
00162                                         DAGHPacked);
00163       int s = 0;
00164       for (register int i=0; i<length[l]; i++) if (gdb[t][l][i]) {
00165 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_GF_COMM
00166         ( comm_service::log() << "[GF_WriteGhost i: "<< i << " ]" << endl).flush();
00167 #endif
00168         s += gdb[t][l][i]->gdbWriteGhosts(p, time_value, axis, dir, *gdbkt, s);
00169       }
00170 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_GF_COMM
00171       for (register int j=0;j<gdbkt->num();j++) {
00172         struct gdhdr *gdh == gdbkt->head(j);
00173         ( comm_service::log() << "[GF_WriteGhost: Sending" << *gdh
00174           << "]" << endl).flush();
00175       }
00176 #endif
00177       for (register int ii=0;ii<gdbkt->num();ii++) 
00178         (gdbkt->head(ii))->level = l;
00179       gt->send((DAGHGhostTag|idx),gdbkt,p);
00180     }
00181   }
00182 }
00184 /*****************************************************************************/
00185 /**** Ghost Communications: Read ****/
00186 /*****************************************************************************/
00187 template <class DAGH_GFType>
00188 void GridFunction(3)<DAGH_GFType>::GF_PeriodicBBoxMove(BBox& from, int& idx, 
00189                                                            const int& length) {
00190   BBox wholebb = growupper(dagh.wholebbox(),1);
00191   Coords wholebblength = wholebb.upper()-wholebb.lower();
00193   for (int d=gfrank-1; d>=0; d--) 
00194     if (dagh.periodicboundary(d)) {
00195       int idxtest = ipow(3, dagh.periodicindex(d));
00197       if (idx >= 2*idxtest*length) {
00198         from.lower(d) += wholebblength(d); from.upper(d) += wholebblength(d);
00199         idx -= 2*idxtest*length;
00200       }
00201       else if (idx >= idxtest*length) {
00202         from.lower(d) -= wholebblength(d); from.upper(d) -= wholebblength(d);
00203         idx -= idxtest*length;
00204       }
00205     }
00206 }
00209 template <class DAGH_GFType>
00210 void GridFunction(3)<DAGH_GFType>::GF_ReadGhosts(const int time, 
00211                                                      const int level,
00212                                                      const int axis, 
00213                                                      const int dir) {
00214   register int const t = dagh_timeindex(time,level);
00215   register int const l = level;
00216   if (!comm(t,l) || t > 2*time_sten_rad || !gdb[t]) return;
00218   const int pnum = comm_service::proc_num();
00219   const int me = comm_service::proc_me();
00220   const int idx = (l * DAGHMaxAxis * DAGHMaxDirs) + (axis * DAGHMaxDirs) + dir;
00221   const int time_value = dagh_timevalue(time_sten_rad,level);
00223   GDB_Interaction* gdbi;
00224   int ngdbi;
00226   /* Local copies */
00227   const int c = DAGHMaxDirs*axis + dir;
00228   if (ghost_recv_info[me] && ghost_recv_info[me][idx] 
00229       && ghost_recv_info[me][idx]->cnt > 0) {
00230     for (register int i=0; i<length[l]; i++) if (gdb[t][l][i]) 
00231       if (gdb[t][l][i]->gdb_read_info[me] && gdb[t][l][i]->gdb_read_index[me]) {
00232         if ((ngdbi=gdb[t][l][i]->gdb_read_index[me][c])>0 &&
00233             (gdbi=gdb[t][l][i]->gdb_read_info[me][c])) 
00234           for (register int m=0; m<ngdbi; m++) {
00235             if (gdbi[m].idx<length[l]) if (gdbi[m].idx!=i && gdb[t][l][gdbi[m].idx]) {
00236 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_GF_COMM
00237               ( comm_service::log() << "[GF_ReadGhosts::LocalCopy "
00238                 << "[" << i << "<-" << gdbi[m].idx << "]" 
00239                 << gdbi[m].bbox << endl).flush();
00240 #endif
00241               gdb[t][l][i]->griddata().copy(gdb[t][l][gdbi[m].idx]->griddata(),
00242                                             gdbi[m].bbox);
00243             }
00245             /* Periodic boundaries */
00246             if (gdbi[m].idx>=length[l]) {
00247               BBox from = gdbi[m].bbox;
00248               int idxl = gdbi[m].idx;
00249               GF_PeriodicBBoxMove(from, idxl, length[l]);
00251               if (gdb[t][l][idxl]) {
00252 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_GF_COMM
00253                 ( comm_service::log() << "[GF_ReadGhosts::Periodic LocalCopy "
00254                   << "[" << i << "<-" << idxl << "]"
00255                   <<  gdbi[m].bbox << from << endl).flush();
00256 #endif
00257                 gdb[t][l][i]->griddata().copy(gdb[t][l][idxl]->griddata(),
00258                                               gdbi[m].bbox,from);
00259               }
00260             }
00261           }
00262       }
00263   }
00265   if (pnum > 1) { /* Receives */
00266     register int p;
00267     for (p=0;p<pnum;p++) {
00268       if (p == me) continue;
00269       if (ghost_recv_server[p] && ghost_recv_server[p][idx]
00270           && !ghost_recv_server[p][idx]->received()) 
00271         comm_service::serve(*ghost_recv_server[p][idx]->req());
00272     }
00274     register int rcvcnt = 0;
00275     List<GridDataBucketVoid*>& lgdbkt = gt->ghosts(t,l);
00276     GridDataBucketVoid** gdbkt = 0;
00277     DAGHListLoop(lgdbkt, gdbkt, GridDataBucketVoid*) {
00278       GridDataBucket<DAGH_GFType>* rcvbkt =
00279         (GridDataBucket<DAGH_GFType> *) *gdbkt;
00280       const int num = rcvbkt->num();
00281       for (register int i=0;i<num;i++) {
00282         struct gdhdr *gdh == rcvbkt->head(i);
00283         if (gdh->time_value != time_value) continue;
00285 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT
00286         assert(gdh->time == t);
00287 #endif
00289         const int t = gdh->time;
00290         const int l = gdh->level;       
00291 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT
00292         assert (l == level);
00293         assert (gdb[t]);
00294 #endif
00295         if (l != level) continue;
00297         BBox& from = gdh->bbox;
00298         int idxl = gdh->index;
00300         if (!from.empty()) { 
00302           /* Periodic Boundaries */   
00303           if (idxl>=length[l]) {
00304             BBox to = from;
00305             GF_PeriodicBBoxMove(to, idxl, length[l]);
00307             if (gdb[t][l][idxl]) 
00308               if (!to.empty() && gdb[t][l][idxl]->boundingbox().intersects(to)) {
00309                 int currank = gdb[t][l][idxl]->griddata().bbox().rank;
00310                 from.rank = currank; 
00311                 from.lower().rank = currank;
00312                 from.upper().rank = currank;
00313                 from.stepsize().rank = currank;
00314                 to.rank = currank; 
00315                 to.lower().rank = currank;
00316                 to.upper().rank = currank;
00317                 to.stepsize().rank = currank;
00318 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_GF_COMM
00319                 ( comm_service::log() << "[GF_ReadGhost: Periodic Extracted"
00320                   << *gdh << to << "]" << endl).flush();
00321 #endif
00322                 (gdb[t][l][idxl]->griddata()).copy(*rcvbkt,i,to,from);
00323               }
00324           }
00325           else 
00326             if (gdb[t][l][idxl]) if (gdb[t][l][idxl]->boundingbox().intersects(from)) {
00327               int currank = gdb[t][l][idxl]->griddata().bbox().rank;
00328               from.rank = currank; 
00329               from.lower().rank = currank;
00330               from.upper().rank = currank;
00331               from.stepsize().rank = currank;
00332 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_GF_COMM
00333               ( comm_service::log() << "[GF_ReadGhost: Extracted" << *gdh
00334                 << "]" << endl).flush();
00335 #endif
00336               (gdb[t][l][idxl]->griddata()).copy(*rcvbkt,i);
00337             }
00338         }
00339         rcvcnt++;
00340       }
00341       delete rcvbkt; rcvbkt = 0;
00342     } DAGHEndLoop
00343 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT
00344     assert (rcvcnt == ghost_recv_cnt[idx]);
00345 #endif
00346     lgdbkt.empty();
00347   }
00348 }
00350 #endif

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last update: 06/01/04