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GridData Class Template Reference

Regular data on a single grid. More...

#include <GridData1.h / GridData2.h / GridData3.h>

Inheritance diagram for GridData:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for GridData:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Methods

 GridData (void)
 GridData (BBox const &bbox)
 GridData (int const i, int const ii)
 GridData (int const i, int const ii, int const s)
 GridData (BBox const &bbox, Type *databuf)
 GridData (GridDataBucket< Type > &gdbkt)
 GridData (GridDataBucket< Type > &gdbkt, int const n)
 GridData (GridData< Type > const &other)
 ~GridData (void)
void allocate (BBox const &bbox)
void allocate (BBox const &bbox, Type *databuf)
void allocate (Type *databuf)
void deallocate ()
void deallocate (Type *&databuf)
void * databuffer ()
const Coordslower () const
const Coordsupper () const
const Coordsextents () const
const Coordsstepsize () const
Coords lower ()
Coords upper ()
Coords extents ()
Coords stepsize ()
int bottom () const
int lower (const int i) const
int upper (const int i) const
int extents (const int i) const
int stepsize (int const i) const
const BBoxbbox () const
int ok_to_index ()
int size () const
int idx (const int i) const
const Type & operator() (const int i) const
Type & operator() (const int i)
const Type & operator() (const Coords &c) const
Type & operator() (const Coords &c)
const Type * ptr (const int i) const
Type * ptr (const int i)
const Type * ptr (const Coords &c) const
Type * ptr (const Coords &c)
const Type * data () const
Type * data ()
void fill (Type const &val)
void copy (GridData< Type > const &gd)
void copy (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &where)
void copy (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &to, BBox const &from)
void copy (GridDataBucket< Type > const &gdbkt)
void copy (GridDataBucket< Type > const &gdbkt, BBox const &where)
void copy (GridDataBucket< Type > const &gdbkt, BBox const &to, BBox const &from)
void copy (GridDataBucket< Type > const &gdbkt, int const n)
void copy (GridDataBucket< Type > const &gdbkt, int const n, BBox const &where)
void copy (GridDataBucket< Type > const &gdbkt, int const n, BBox const &to, BBox const &from)
void lin_interp (GridData< Type > const &gd1, double const frac1, GridData< Type > const &gd2, double const frac2, BBox const &where)
void lin_interp (GridData< Type > const &gd1, double const frac1, GridData< Type > const &gd2, double const frac2)
Type moment1 (int const axis, BBox const &where)
Type moment1 (int const axis)
double sumsqrd (BBox const &where)
double sumsqrd ()
double sumabs (BBox const &where)
double sumabs ()
double maxabs (BBox const &where)
double maxabs ()
BBox is_eq (Type const &val, BBox const &where)
BBox is_eq (Type const &val)
BBox is_eq (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &to, BBox const &from)
BBox is_eq (GridData< Type > const &gd)
BBox is_eq (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &where)
BBox is_neq (Type const &val, BBox const &where)
BBox is_neq (Type const &val)
BBox is_neq (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &to, BBox const &from)
BBox is_neq (GridData< Type > const &gd)
BBox is_neq (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &where)
BBox is_gt (Type const &val, BBox const &where)
BBox is_gt (Type const &val)
BBox is_gt (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &to, BBox const &from)
BBox is_gt (GridData< Type > const &gd)
BBox is_gt (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &where)
BBox is_ge (Type const &val, BBox const &where)
BBox is_ge (Type const &val)
BBox is_ge (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &to, BBox const &from)
BBox is_ge (GridData< Type > const &gd)
BBox is_ge (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &where)
BBox is_lt (Type const &val, BBox const &where)
BBox is_lt (Type const &val)
BBox is_lt (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &to, BBox const &from)
BBox is_lt (GridData< Type > const &gd)
BBox is_lt (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &where)
BBox is_le (Type const &val, BBox const &where)
BBox is_le (Type const &val)
BBox is_le (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &to, BBox const &from)
BBox is_le (GridData< Type > const &gd)
BBox is_le (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &where)
void equals (Type const &val, BBox const &where)
void equals (Type const &val)
void equals (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &to, BBox const &from)
void equals (GridData< Type > const &gd)
void equals (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &where)
void plus (Type const &val, BBox const &where)
void plus (Type const &val)
void plus (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &to, BBox const &from)
void plus (GridData< Type > const &gd)
void plus (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &where)
void minus (Type const &val, BBox const &where)
void minus (Type const &val)
void minus (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &to, BBox const &from)
void minus (GridData< Type > const &gd)
void minus (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &where)
void multiply (Type const &val, BBox const &where)
void multiply (Type const &val)
void multiply (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &to, BBox const &from)
void multiply (GridData< Type > const &gd)
void multiply (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &where)
void divide (Type const &val, BBox const &where)
void divide (Type const &val)
void divide (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &to, BBox const &from)
void divide (GridData< Type > const &gd)
void divide (GridData< Type > const &gd, BBox const &where)
BBox operator== (Type const &val)
BBox operator== (GridData< Type > const &gd)
BBox operator!= (Type const &val)
BBox operator!= (GridData< Type > const &gd)
BBox operator> (Type const &val)
BBox operator> (GridData< Type > const &gd)
BBox operator>= (Type const &val)
BBox operator>= (GridData< Type > const &gd)
BBox operator< (Type const &val)
BBox operator< (GridData< Type > const &gd)
BBox operator<= (Type const &val)
BBox operator<= (GridData< Type > const &gd)
void operator= (Type const &val)
void operator= (GridData< Type > const &gd)
void operator+= (Type const &val)
void operator+= (GridData< Type > const &gd)
void operator-= (Type const &val)
void operator-= (GridData< Type > const &gd)
void operator *= (Type const &val)
void operator *= (GridData< Type > const &gd)
void operator/= (Type const &val)
void operator/= (GridData< Type > const &gd)
Type maxval (BBox const &where)
Type maxval (void)
Type minval (BBox const &where)
Type minval (void)
Type sum (BBox const &where)
Type sum (void)
Type product (BBox const &where)
Type product (void)
void PackRegion (Type *sendbuf, BBox const &from) const
void UnPackRegion (Type const *recvbuf, BBox const &to)

Detailed Description

template<class Type>
class GridData< Type >

Regular data on a single grid.

GridData implements a Fortran array and defines some array operations on this class. It represents the local storage for grid functions corresponding to a grid components. This class is an adaptation and extension of the from Class GridX of LPARX developed by Scott Kohn (

Manish Parashar

Definition at line 45 of file GridData1.h / GridData2.h / GridData3.h.

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last update: 06/01/04