Blockstructured Adaptive Mesh Refinement in object-oriented C++
#include <AMRFixup.h>
Inheritance diagram for AMRFixup:
Public Methods | |
AMRFixup (integrator_type &integ) | |
virtual void | register_at (ControlDevice &Ctrl, const string &prefix) |
virtual void | register_at (ControlDevice &Ctrl) |
virtual void | SaveFluxes (const int Time, const int Level, const int c, vec_grid_data_type *flux[], const double dt, DCoords &dx, const int &mdim) |
virtual void | AddFluxes (const int Time, const int Level, const int c, vec_grid_data_type *flux[], const double tc, const double tf, const double dt, DCoords &dx, const int &mdim) |
virtual void | Correction (const int Time, const int WTime, const int Level, DCoords &dx) |
Protected Methods | |
int | ValidSide (const int Time, const int Level, const int c, const int s) const |
void | AddIntercellFluxes (const int Time, const int Level, const int c, vec_grid_data_type *flux[], const double dt, DCoords &dx, const int &mdim) |
void | ParallelFixup (const int Time, const int Level, DCoords &dx, const int d, vec_grid_fct_type &uh) |
BBox | StateVecBBox (const BBox &interior, const int s) |
BBox | FixupBBox (const BBox &interior, const int s) |
virtual BBox | FluxBBox (const BBox &interior, const int s) |
void | copyf_to (ld_fixup_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &to, const vec_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &from, const int s) |
void | copyf_to (ld_fixup_grid_data_type &target, const vec_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &where, const int s) |
void | copyf_from (vec_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &to, const ld_fixup_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &from, const int s) |
void | copyf_from (vec_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &where, const ld_fixup_grid_data_type &source, const int s) |
void | addf_to (ld_fixup_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &to, const vec_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &from, const int s) |
void | addf_to (ld_fixup_grid_data_type &target, const vec_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &where, const int s) |
void | addf_from (vec_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &to, const ld_fixup_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &from, const int s) |
void | addf_from (vec_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &where, const ld_fixup_grid_data_type &source, const int s) |
void | addf_to (ld_fixup_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &to, const ld_vec_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &from) |
void | addf_to (ld_fixup_grid_data_type &target, const ld_vec_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &where) |
Parallelization strategy for conservative correction: 1. Numerical fluxes for a single grid are calculated locally. The fluxes are computed for internal edges and for edges abutting a ghost cell. On edges between ghost cells no numerical flux is necessary. By synchronizing ghost cells and updating the numerical fluxes all data for computing the correction terms is always locally available. 2. Correction terms are shifted one cell and are reshifted before application. The shift operation moves correction terms which have to be applied on cells on other processors into internal cells and allows a synchronization. The application of correction terms is the only operation that requires additional communication and is implemented with a grid function.
Definition at line 48 of file AMRFixup.h.
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