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ClpFixup Member List

This is the complete list of members for ClpFixup, including all inherited members.
_f (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [protected]
_f_name (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [protected]
_FixupEquations (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [protected]
_Hierarchy (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [protected]
_Integrator (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [protected]
_u (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [protected]
add_from(GridData< VectorType > &target, const BBox &towhere, const GridData< VectorType > &source, const BBox &from, const int s) (defined in FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType >)FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType > [inline]
add_from(GridData< VectorType > &target, const BBox &towhere, const GridData< VectorType > &source, const int s) (defined in FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType >)FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType > [inline]
add_to(GridData< VectorType > &target, const BBox &to, const GridData< VectorType > &source, const BBox &fromwhere, const int s) (defined in FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType >)FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType > [inline]
add_to(GridData< VectorType > &target, const GridData< VectorType > &source, const BBox &fromwhere, const int s) (defined in FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType >)FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType > [inline]
add_to(GridData< VectorType > &target, const BBox &to, const GridData< VectorType > &source, const BBox &from) (defined in FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType >)FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType > [inline]
add_to(GridData< VectorType > &target, const GridData< VectorType > &source, const BBox &where) (defined in FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType >)FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType > [inline]
addf_from(vec_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &to, const ld_fixup_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &from, const int s) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, protected]
addf_from(vec_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &where, const ld_fixup_grid_data_type &source, const int s) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, protected]
addf_to(ld_fixup_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &to, const vec_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &from, const int s) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, protected]
addf_to(ld_fixup_grid_data_type &target, const vec_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &where, const int s) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, protected]
addf_to(ld_fixup_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &to, const ld_vec_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &from) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, protected]
addf_to(ld_fixup_grid_data_type &target, const ld_vec_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &where) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, protected]
AddFluxes(const int Time, const int Level, const int c, vec_grid_data_type *flux[], const double tc, const double tf, const double dt, DCoords &dx, const int &mdim) (defined in ClpFixup)ClpFixup [inline, protected, virtual]
AddIntercellFluxes(const int Time, const int Level, const int c, vec_grid_data_type *flux[], const double dt, DCoords &dx, const int &mdim) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, protected]
AMRFixup(integrator_type &integ) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline]
ClpFixup(integrator_type &integ) (defined in ClpFixup)ClpFixup [inline]
ClpFixupVecOps() (defined in ClpFixupVecOps)ClpFixupVecOps [inline]
copy_from(GridData< VectorType > &target, const BBox &towhere, const GridData< VectorType > &source, const BBox &from, const int s) (defined in FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType >)FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType > [inline]
copy_from(GridData< VectorType > &target, const BBox &towhere, const GridData< VectorType > &source, const int s) (defined in FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType >)FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType > [inline]
copy_to(GridData< VectorType > &target, const BBox &to, const GridData< VectorType > &source, const BBox &fromwhere, const int s) (defined in FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType >)FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType > [inline]
copy_to(GridData< VectorType > &target, const GridData< VectorType > &source, const BBox &fromwhere, const int s) (defined in FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType >)FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType > [inline]
copyf_from(vec_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &to, const ld_fixup_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &from, const int s) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, protected]
copyf_from(vec_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &where, const ld_fixup_grid_data_type &source, const int s) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, protected]
copyf_to(ld_fixup_grid_data_type &target, const BBox &to, const vec_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &from, const int s) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, protected]
copyf_to(ld_fixup_grid_data_type &target, const vec_grid_data_type &source, const BBox &where, const int s) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, protected]
copyv_to(GridData< VectorType > &target, const GridData< VectorType > &source, const BBox &where, const int s) (defined in ClpFixupVecOps)ClpFixupVecOps [inline, protected]
CorrectFirstOrder(const int Time, const int Level, const int c, const double tc, const double tf, const double dt, DCoords &dx, const int &mdim) (defined in ClpFixup)ClpFixup [inline, protected]
Correction(const int Time, const int WTime, const int Level, DCoords &dx) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, virtual]
DataType typedef (defined in ClpFixup)ClpFixup [private]
debug_print(vec_grid_data_type &gd, const BBox &where) (defined in Fixup)Fixup [inline, protected]
debug_print_ld(ld_fixup_grid_data_type &gd, const BBox &where) (defined in Fixup)Fixup [inline, protected]
debug_print_ld(ld_fixup_grid_data_type &gd) (defined in Fixup)Fixup [inline, protected]
debug_print_ldv(ld_vec_grid_data_type &gd, const BBox &where) (defined in Fixup)Fixup [inline, protected]
debug_print_ldv(ld_vec_grid_data_type &gd) (defined in Fixup)Fixup [inline, protected]
F(int d) (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline]
F(int d) const (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline]
finish() (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline, virtual]
Fixup(integrator_type &integ) (defined in Fixup)Fixup [inline]
fixup_base_type typedef (defined in ClpFixup)ClpFixup [private]
FixupBase(integrator_type &integ) (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline]
FixupBBox(const BBox &interior, const int s) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, protected]
FixupOps() (defined in FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType >)FixupOps< VectorType, VectorType > [inline]
FluxBBox(const BBox &interior, const int s) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, protected, virtual]
GH() (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline]
GH() const (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline]
init() (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline, virtual]
Integrator_() (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline]
Integrator_() const (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline]
integrator_type typedef (defined in ClpFixup)ClpFixup [private]
ld_vec_grid_data_type typedef (defined in ClpFixup)ClpFixup [private]
LocCtrl (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [protected]
NEquations() (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline]
NFixupEquations() (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline]
NGhosts() const (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline]
notify() (defined in controlable)controlable [inline, virtual]
ParallelFixup(const int Time, const int Level, DCoords &dx, const int d, vec_grid_fct_type &uh) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, protected]
register_at(ControlDevice &Ctrl, const string &prefix) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, virtual]
register_at(ControlDevice &Ctrl) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, virtual]
SaveFluxes(const int Time, const int Level, const int c, vec_grid_data_type *flux[], const double dt, DCoords &dx, const int &mdim) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, virtual]
SetGridFunctions(vec_grid_fct_type *u) (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline]
SetGridHierarchy(GridHierarchy *gh) (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline]
SetMaxRecomposeLevel(const int l) (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline]
SetupData() (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline, virtual]
StateVecBBox(const BBox &interior, const int s) (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, protected]
U() (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline]
U() const (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline]
update() (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline, virtual]
ValidSide(const int Time, const int Level, const int c, const int s) const (defined in AMRFixup)AMRFixup [inline, protected]
vec_grid_data_type typedef (defined in ClpFixup)ClpFixup [private]
~controlable() (defined in controlable)controlable [inline, virtual]
~FixupBase() (defined in FixupBase)FixupBase [inline]

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last update: 06/01/04