Blockstructured Adaptive Mesh Refinement in object-oriented C++
#include <GridHierarchy.h>
Collaboration diagram for GridHierarchy:
Public Methods | |
GridHierarchy (const int ndim, const int type, const int max_level) | |
~GridHierarchy (void) | |
void | DAGH_SetBaseGrid (double const *bbox, const int *shape, const int &ncuts, const int *cuts) |
void | DAGH_SetTimeSpecs (double const starttime, double const stoptime, const int ntsteps) |
void | DAGH_GetTimeSpecs (double &starttime, double &stoptime) |
void | DAGH_SetBoundaryType (const int type) |
void | DAGH_SetAdaptBoundaryType (const int type) |
void | DAGH_SetBoundaryWidth (const int width) |
void | DAGH_SetPeriodicBoundaries (const int dir, const int value) |
void | DAGH_SetExternalGhostWidth (const int width) |
void | DAGH_SetRefineFactor (const int rfactor) |
void | DAGH_SetRefineFactor (const int lev, const int rfactor) |
void | DAGH_SetDistributionType (const int type) |
void | DAGH_SetDistributionType (const int type, BBoxList &bbl) |
void | DAGH_SetWorkFunction (void *wf) |
void | DAGH_SetNestingBuffer (const int &nb) |
void | DAGH_PeriodicBoundaries (GridBoxList *gbl, GridBoxList *agbl) |
void | DAGH_CreateGridUnitList (GridUnitList *&gul, BBoxList **bbla, int count=(0)) |
void | DAGH_CreateGridUnitList (GridUnitList *&gul, const BBox &_bb) |
void | DAGH_CreateBBoxList (BBoxList *&bbl, GridUnitList &gul) |
void | DAGH_ComposeHierarchy (void) |
Compose the grid hierarchy. | |
int | DAGH_AddGridFunction (GridFunctionVoid *gfv) |
void | DAGH_DelGridFunction (const int gfid) |
void | DAGH_ComposeGridFunctions (void) |
int | DAGH_GridFunctionTemplate (GridFunctionVoid &gfv) |
void | DAGH_RecomposeHierarchy (int Partition) |
Recompose the whole hierachy and all associated GridFunctions. More... | |
void | DAGH_RecomposeHierarchy () |
void | DAGH_Refine (const int lev) |
Use entire level as new refinement region. | |
void | DAGH_Refine (BBoxList &bblist, const int lev) |
Sets refinement regions on a particular level. More... | |
void | DAGH_RedistributeHierarchy (const int type) |
void | DAGH_RedistributeHierarchy (const int type, BBoxList &bbl) |
void | DAGH_Checkpoint (const char *name) |
Write GridHierarchy into checkpointing-file. | |
void | DAGH_Checkpoint (strstream &ofs) |
Write GridHierarchy into memory. | |
int | DAGH_Checkpoint_StrStream_Memory () |
void | DAGH_ComposeHierarchy (const char *name) |
void | DAGH_RecomposeHierarchy (const char *name) |
Recompose GridHierarchy from checkpointing-file. | |
void | DAGH_RecomposeHierarchy (strstream &ifs) |
Recompose GridHierarchy from memory. | |
void | DAGH_InitChkpt (const char *name) |
void | DAGH_InitChkpt () |
void | DAGH_StopChkpt () |
int | DAGH_OpenChkptIStream (const int p, ifstream &ifs) |
void | DAGH_CloseChkptIStream (ifstream &ifs) |
int | DAGH_OpenChkptIStream (const int p, streampos *&chkptdir, char *&chkptnamedir, ifstream &ifs) |
int | DAGH_OpenChkptStrStream (streampos *&chkptdir, char *&chkptnamedir, strstream &ifs) |
void | DAGH_CloseChkptIStream (streampos *&chkptdir, char *&chkptnamedir, ifstream &ifs) |
void | DAGH_CloseChkptStrStream (streampos *&chkptdir, char *&chkptnamedir, strstream &ifs) |
int | DAGH_GetGFChkptIStream (const int p, const char *gfname, const int gfid, ifstream &ifs) |
int | DAGH_GetGFChkptStrStream (const char *gfname, const int gfid, strstream &ifs) |
int | DAGH_OpenChkptOStream (const int p, ofstream &ofs) |
void | DAGH_CloseChkptOStream (ofstream &ofs) |
int | DAGH_CommInit (MPI_Comm c=0) |
void | DAGH_CommKill (void) |
int | default_alignment (const int r) const |
int | dagh_type (void) const |
int | boundarywidth (void) const |
int | boundarytype (void) const |
int | adaptboundarytype (void) const |
int | periodicboundary (const int d) const |
int | periodicindex (const int d) const |
int | externalghostwidth (void) const |
int | totallevels (void) const |
int | coarselevel (void) const |
int | maxlevel (void) const |
int | finelevel (void) const |
int | stepsize (const int lev) const |
Step-size in internal integer time-units on a particular level. More... | |
int | timestep (const int lev) const |
int | stepstaken (const int t, const int l) const |
Steps already taken in a subiteration on the refined grids. | |
double | delta_t (const int l) const |
Physical time-step on level l. | |
double | delta_x (const int dim, const int l) const |
Physical step-size on level l. | |
int | refinefactor (const int lev) const |
Refinement factor employed for new refinement grids on level lev. | |
int | refinedby (const int lev) const |
Refinement factor of level lev in respect to the coarsest grid. | |
int | refinedby (const int l1, const int l2) const |
Refinement factor between levels l1 and l2. | |
int | buffer () const |
Buffer size for proper nesting of refinement grids. | |
const int & | gucfactor () const |
The GridUnit-coarsening factor. More... | |
const int & | guminwidth () const |
The minimal GridUnit-width. | |
void | setgucfactor (const int &cfac) |
Enforce an appropriate minimal GridUnit-width. More... | |
int | updatedvaluestep () const |
void | setupdatedvaluestep (const int ustep) |
void | chkpt_filename (ostrstream &obuf, const char *name, const int p) |
int | chkpt_restart (void) const |
const char * | chkpt_name (void) const |
int | chkpt_pnum (void) const |
void | chkpt_reset (void) |
int | getCurrentTime (const int lev) const |
Actual time in internal integer time-units. More... | |
void | setCurrentTime (const int ctime, const int lev) |
void | incrCurrentTime (const int lev) |
Increment the actual integer-time on a level by one time-step. | |
int | getPreviousTime (const int lev) const |
Previous time in internal integer time-units. | |
int | getNextTime (const int lev) const |
Next time in internal integer time-units. | |
int | GlobalLength (int lev) |
int | GlobalMaxIndex (int lev) |
int | LocalLength (int lev) |
GridUnitList * | clist () |
GridUnitList * | llist () |
GridBoxList ** | lgbl () |
Local GridBoxLists on all levels. | |
GridBoxList ** | ggbl () |
Global GridBoxLists on all levels. | |
GridBoxList ** | oldlgbl () |
GridBoxList ** | oldggbl () |
GridBoxList * | lgbl (int lev) |
Actual local GridBoxList on level lev. | |
GridBoxList * | ggbl (int lev) |
Actual global GridBoxList on level lev. | |
GridBoxList * | oldlgbl (int lev) |
GridBoxList * | oldggbl (int lev) |
void | llb (int *lc) const |
void | lub (int *lc) const |
Coords | llb (void) const |
Integer coords of the basbox. | |
Coords | lub (void) const |
void | wlb (double *wc) const |
void | wub (double *wc) const |
DCoords | worldCoords (const int *lc, const int *ls) const |
Transform integer-coordinates into physical coordinates. | |
DCoords | worldCoordsUpper (const int *lc, const int *ls) const |
DCoords | worldCoordsLower (const int *lc, const int *ls) const |
DCoords | worldStep (const int *ls) const |
void | worldCoords (const int *lc, const int *ls, double *wc) const |
void | worldStep (const int *ls, double *ws) const |
Coords | localCoords (double const *wc) const |
Coords | localStep (double const *ws) const |
void | localCoords (double const *wc, int *lc) const |
void | localStep (double const *ws, int *ls) const |
BBox | bbbox (void) const |
Bounding box of the entire base grid. | |
BBox | glbbbox (void) const |
BBox | wholebbox (void) const |
Interior box of the entire base grid. | |
BBoxList * | wholebaselist (void) const |
Interior boxes of the actual base grid. | |
const double * | wholebndry (void) const |
Coordinates of entire base grid and cut-off regions. | |
const int & | nbndry (void) const |
void | glb_bboxlist (BBoxList &bbl, const int l, const int type=(1)) const |
void | DAGH_IOServe (void) |
void | DAGH_IOType (const int type) |
void | DAGH_IOEnd (void) |
void | DAGH_SyncGhostRegions (const int t, const int l) |
void | DAGH_SyncGhostRegions (const int t, const int l, const int axis, const int dir) |
Static Public Methods | |
void | DAGH_InitOverlaps (const int Type, short *olap) |
int | daghoverlapCC_or_NCC (const int type) |
Public Attributes | |
short const | rank |
Grid rank. | |
short | distribution_type |
Distribution information. | |
DAGHDistribution * | distribution |
GridUnitList * | complist |
The COMPOSITE list. | |
GridBoxList ** | globalgbl |
Actual and last Grid BoxList for the global topology of each level. | |
GridBoxList ** | oldglobalgbl |
Actual and last Grid BoxList for the global topology of each level. | |
GridUnitList * | locallist |
Local GridUnit list. | |
GridBoxList ** | localgbl |
Actual and last Grid BoxList for the local topology of each level. | |
GridBoxList ** | oldlocalgbl |
Actual and last Grid BoxList for the local topology of each level. | |
BBoxList ** | localbboxarray |
New refinement topology. | |
short | gfnum |
GridFunction Information. | |
GridFunctionVoid ** | gflist |
short | io_type |
IO Servers. | |
DAGHIOServerRcv * | io_write_server |
DAGHIOServerSnd * | io_read_server |
DAGHIOServerPing * | io_end_server |
Friends | |
ostream & | operator<< (ostream &os, const GridHierarchy &) |
ofstream & | operator<< (ofstream &ofs, const GridHierarchy &) |
ifstream & | operator>> (ifstream &ifs, GridHierarchy &) |
strstream & | operator<< (strstream &ofs, const GridHierarchy &) |
strstream & | operator>> (strstream &ifs, GridHierarchy &) |
void | DAGHIO_EndIOPingFunction (GridHierarchy &GH) |
The global topology of each level is stored in a GridBoxList of the array globalgbl. The local portion of each processor is stored in localgbl. All GridFunctions follow automatically the topology determined by these lists. A change of the hierarchy is initiated by initializing the BBoxLists in localbboxarray with the new topology found on each processor. When RecomposeHierarchy() is called the global union of these BBoxLists is constructed on each level. The workload of the entire hierachy is estimated and accumulated in GridUnit-objects. The minimal size of a GridUnit is one cell of the coarsest level. The usage of larger GridUnits can be enforced with setgucfactor(), the GridUnit-coarsening factor. The partitioning algorithm breaks up the derived composite GridUnitList complist in load-balanced portions and assigns a locallist to each processor. Each node derives its new GridBoxList localgbl by intersecting its locallist with the global union of BBoxLists. globalgbl is finally found as global union of all localgbl's. Employing localgbl, globalgbl and their counterparts oldlocalgbl, oldglobalgbl of the preceeding hierarchy all GridFunctions are reconstructed.
Definition at line 146 of file GridHierarchy.h.
Recompose the whole hierachy and all associated GridFunctions. When RecomposeHierarchy() is called the global union of localbbl is constructed on each level. The workload of the entire hierachy is estimated and accumulated in GridUnit-objects. The partitioning algorithm breaks up the derived composite GridUnitList complist in load-balanced portions and assigns a locallist to each processor. Each node derives its new GridBoxList localgbl by intersecting its locallist with the global union of BBoxLists. globalgbl is finally found as global union of all localgbl's. Employing localgbl, globalgbl and their counterparts oldlocalgbl, oldglobalgbl of the preceeding hierarchy all GridFunctions are reconstructed.
Definition at line 799 of file GridHierarchy.C. References GridBoxList::add(), BBoxList::add(), buffer(), complist, GridBoxList::empty(), BBox::empty(), Bucket< GridBox >::first(), Bucket< BBox >::first(), GridBox::gbBBox(), GridFunctionVoid::GF_FreeTmpStorage(), GridFunctionVoid::GF_Recompose(), gfnum, globalgbl, BBox::grow(), BBox::growupper(), guminwidth(), GridBoxList::isempty(), BBoxList::isempty(), localbboxarray, localgbl, locallist, BBoxList::mergeboxes(), Bucket< GridBox >::next(), Bucket< BBox >::next(), GridBoxList::number(), oldglobalgbl, oldlocalgbl, SimpleBucketVoid::pack(), DAGHDistribution::partition(), BBox::refine(), refinedby(), refinefactor(), BBox::setstepsize(), BBox::stepsize(), and wholebbox(). |
Sets refinement regions on a particular level.
Definition at line 1416 of file GridHierarchy.C. References BBoxList::add(), BBox::coarsen(), BBoxList::empty(), Bucket< BBox >::first(), Bucket< GridBox >::first(), GridBox::gbBBox(), localbboxarray, localgbl, Bucket< BBox >::next(), BBox::rank, BBox::refine(), BBox::stepsize(), and stepsize(). |
Actual time in internal integer time-units. To each time-step that took place during a run a unique integer time-value is assigned. The time-value depends on the actual level and is calculated in respect to the list of refinement factors. Definition at line 643 of file GridHierarchy.h. |
The GridUnit-coarsening factor. Coarsen level 0 by this factor when constructing GridUnits. The GuC-factor determines the minimal size of elements for partitioning. The usage of coarser GridFunctions, e.g. for error estimation or multigrid algorithms, requires coarser GridUnits. Otherwise it is not guaranteed that all data is local available. Definition at line 604 of file GridHierarchy.h. |
Enforce an appropriate minimal GridUnit-width. Application-dependent. Definition at line 608 of file GridHierarchy.h. |
Step-size in internal integer time-units on a particular level. On the highest possible level stepsize is 1. Definition at line 556 of file GridHierarchy.h. Referenced by DAGH_ComposeHierarchy(), DAGH_RecomposeHierarchy(), and DAGH_Refine(). |
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