Blockstructured Adaptive Mesh Refinement in object-oriented C++
c c c ================================================================== subroutine flux3(ixyz,maxm,meqn,maux,mwaves,mbc,mx, & q1d,dtdx1d,dtdy,dtdz,aux1,aux2,aux3, & method,mthlim, & faddm,faddp,gaddm,gaddp,haddm,haddp,cfl1d, & wave,s,amdq,apdq,cqxx, & bmamdq,bmapdq,bpamdq,bpapdq, & cmamdq,cmapdq,cpamdq,cpapdq, & cmamdq2,cmapdq2,cpamdq2,cpapdq2, & bmcqxx,bpcqxx,cmcqxx,cpcqxx, & bmcmamdq,bmcmapdq,bpcmamdq,bpcmapdq, & bmcpamdq,bmcpapdq,bpcpamdq,bpcpapdq, & work,mwork,rpn3,rpt3) c ================================================================== c c Author: Randall J. LeVeque c Modified for AMROC: Ralf Deiterding c c # Compute the modification to fluxes f, g and h that are generated by c # all interfaces along a 1D slice of the 3D grid. c # ixyz = 1 if it is a slice in x c # 2 if it is a slice in y c # 3 if it is a slice in z c # This value is passed into the Riemann solvers. The flux modifications c # go into the arrays fadd, gadd and hadd. The notation is written c # assuming we are solving along a 1D slice in the x-direction. c c # fadd(i,.) modifies F to the left of cell i c # gadd(i,.,1,slice) modifies G below cell i (in the z-direction) c # gadd(i,.,2,slice) modifies G above cell i c # The G flux in the surrounding slices may c # also be updated. c # slice = -1 The slice below in y-direction c # slice = 0 The slice used in the 2D method c # slice = 1 The slice above in y-direction c # hadd(i,.,1,slice) modifies H below cell i (in the y-direction) c # hadd(i,.,2,slice) modifies H above cell i c # The H flux in the surrounding slices may c # also be updated. c # slice = -1 The slice below in z-direction c # slice = 0 The slice used in the 2D method c # slice = 1 The slice above in z-direction c # c # The method used is specified by method(2) and method(3): c c method(2) = 1 if only first order increment waves are to be used. c = 2 if second order correction terms are to be added, with c a flux limiter as specified by mthlim. c = 3 ==> Slope limiting of the conserved variables, with a c slope limiter as specified by mthlim(1). c > 3 ==> User defined slope limiter method. c Slope-limiting is intended to be used with dimensional c splitting! c c method(3) specify how the transverse wave propagation c of the increment wave and the correction wave are performed. c Note that method(3) is given by a two digit number, in c contrast to what is the case for claw2. It is convenient c to define the scheme using the pair (method(2),method(3)). c c method(3) = -1 Gives dimensional splitting using Godunov c splitting, i.e. formally first order accurate. c On a single computational nodes =-1 and =-2 c will give identical results, but =-1 will be faster. c = -2 Dimensional splitting using Godunov splitting with c boundary update after each directional step. c The necessary ghost cell synchronization is done by c the surrounding AMROC framework. c This selection ensures that the solution of the c splitting method is independent of the number of c computational nodes. c 0 Gives the Donor cell method. No transverse c propagation of neither the increment wave c nor the correction wave. c = 10 Transverse propagation of the increment wave c as in 2D. Note that method (2,10) is c unconditionally unstable. c = 11 Corner transport upwind of the increment c wave. Note that method (2,11) also is c unconditionally unstable. c = 20 Both the increment wave and the correction c wave propagate as in the 2D case. Only to c be used with method(2) = 2. c = 21 Corner transport upwind of the increment wave, c and the correction wave propagates as in 2D. c Only to be used with method(2) = 2. c = 22 3D propagation of both the increment wave and c the correction wave. Only to be used with c method(2) = 2. c c Recommended settings: First order schemes: c (1,10) Stable for CFL < 1/2 c (1,11) Stable for CFL < 1 c Second order schemes: c (2,20) Stable for CFL < 1/2 c (2,22) Stable for CFL < 1 c c WARNING! The schemes (2,10), (2,11) are unconditionally c unstable. c c ---------------------------------- c c Note that if method(6)=1 then the capa array comes into the second c order correction terms, and is already included in dtdx1d: c If ixyz = 1 then c dtdx1d(i) = dt/dx if method(6) = 0 c = dt/(dx*capa(i,jcom,kcom)) if method(6) = 1 c If ixyz = 2 then c dtdx1d(j) = dt/dy if method(6) = 0 c = dt/(dy*capa(icom,j,kcom)) if method(6) = 1 c If ixyz = 3 then c dtdx1d(k) = dt/dz if method(6) = 0 c = dt/(dz*capa(icom,jcom,k)) if method(6) = 1 c c Notation: c The jump in q (q1d(i,:)-q1d(i-1,:)) is split by rpn3 into c amdq = the left-going flux difference A^- Delta q c apdq = the right-going flux difference A^+ Delta q c Each of these is split by rpt3 into c bmasdq = the down-going transverse flux difference B^- A^* Delta q c bpasdq = the up-going transverse flux difference B^+ A^* Delta q c where A^* represents either A^- or A^+. c c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) include "call.i" dimension q1d(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension amdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension apdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cqxx(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension faddm(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension faddp(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension gaddm(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, 2, -1:1) dimension gaddp(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, 2, -1:1) dimension haddm(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, 2, -1:1) dimension haddp(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, 2, -1:1) c dimension cmamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cmapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cpamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cpapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension cmamdq2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cmapdq2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cpamdq2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cpapdq2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension bmcqxx(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpcqxx(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cmcqxx(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension cpcqxx(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension bpcmamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpcmapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpcpamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bpcpapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmcmamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmcmapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmcpamdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension bmcpapdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) c dimension dtdx1d(1-mbc:maxm+mbc) dimension aux1(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) dimension aux2(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) dimension aux3(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) c dimension s(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, mwaves) dimension wave(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, mwaves) dimension method(7),mthlim(mwaves) dimension work(mwork) external rpn3, rpt3 c logical limit c i0ql = 1 i0qr = i0ql + (maxm+2*mbc)*meqn i0fl = i0qr + (maxm+2*mbc)*meqn i0fr = i0fl + (maxm+2*mbc)*meqn iused = i0fr + (maxm+2*mbc)*meqn - 1 c if ( then write(6,*) '*** not enough work space in flux3ex' write(6,*) '*** iused = ', iused, ' mwork =',mwork stop endif c limit = .false. do 5 mw=1,mwaves if (mthlim(mw) .gt. 0) limit = .true. 5 continue c c # initialize flux increments: c ----------------------------- c do 11 m=1,meqn do 11 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc faddm(i,m) = 0.d0 faddp(i,m) = 0.d0 11 continue do 10 jside=1,2 do 10 m=1,meqn do 10 i = 1-mbc, mx+mbc gaddm(i,m,jside,-1) = 0.d0 gaddm(i,m,jside, 0) = 0.d0 gaddm(i,m,jside, 1) = 0.d0 gaddp(i,m,jside,-1) = 0.d0 gaddp(i,m,jside, 0) = 0.d0 gaddp(i,m,jside, 1) = 0.d0 haddm(i,m,jside,-1) = 0.d0 haddm(i,m,jside, 0) = 0.d0 haddm(i,m,jside, 1) = 0.d0 haddp(i,m,jside,-1) = 0.d0 haddp(i,m,jside, 0) = 0.d0 haddp(i,m,jside, 1) = 0.d0 10 continue c c # local method parameters if (method(3).gt.0) then m3 = method(3)/10 m4 = method(3) - 10*m3 else m3 = 0 m4 = 0 endif c c # solve Riemann problem at each interface and compute Godunov flux F0 c --------------------------------------------------------------------- c if (method(2).le.2) then call rpn3(ixyz,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,maux,aux2,aux2, & wave,s,amdq,apdq) else call slope3(ixyz,maxm,meqn,maux,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,aux2,dx,dt, & method,mthlim,wave,s,amdq,apdq,dtdx1d,rpn3, & work(i0ql),work(i0qr),work(i0fl),work(i0fr)) endif c c # Set fadd for the donor-cell upwind method (Godunov) do 40 m=1,meqn do 40 i=1,mx+1 faddp(i,m) = faddp(i,m) - apdq(i,m) faddm(i,m) = faddm(i,m) + amdq(i,m) 40 continue c c # compute maximum wave speed for checking Courant number: cfl1d = 0.d0 do 50 mw=1,mwaves do 50 i=1,mx+1 cfl1d = dmax1(cfl1d,dtdx1d(i)*dabs(s(i,mw))) 50 continue c if (method(2).eq.1 .and. m3.eq.0 .and. m4.eq.0) & return if (method(2).eq.1.or.method(2).ge.3) go to 130 c c # modify F fluxes for second order q_{xx} correction terms: c ----------------------------------------------------------- c c # apply limiter to waves: if (limit) call limiter(maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,wave,s,mthlim) c do 120 i = 1, mx+1 c c # For correction terms below, need average of dtdx in cell c # i-1 and i. Compute these and overwrite dtdx1d: c dtdx1d(i-1) = 0.5d0 * (dtdx1d(i-1) + dtdx1d(i)) c do 120 m=1,meqn cqxx(i,m) = 0.d0 do 119 mw=1,mwaves cqxx(i,m) = cqxx(i,m) + 0.5d0 * dabs(s(i,mw)) & * (1.d0 - dabs(s(i,mw))*dtdx1d(i-1)) * wave(i,m,mw) 119 continue faddm(i,m) = faddm(i,m) + cqxx(i,m) faddp(i,m) = faddp(i,m) + cqxx(i,m) 120 continue c 130 continue c if( m3.eq.0 .and. m4.eq.0 ) return c c # modify G fluxes for transverse propagation c -------------------------------------------- c c # split the left-going flux difference into down-going and up-going c # flux differences (in the y-direction). c call rpt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,maux,aux1,aux2, & aux3,1,amdq,bmamdq,bpamdq) c c # split the right-going flux difference into down-going and up-going c # flux differences (in the y-direction). c call rpt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,maux,aux1,aux2, & aux3,2,apdq,bmapdq,bpapdq) c c # split the left-going flux difference into down-going and up-going c # flux differences (in the z-direction). c call rpt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,maux,aux1,aux2, & aux3,1,amdq,cmamdq,cpamdq) c c # split the right-going flux difference into down-going and up-going c # flux differences (in the y-direction). c call rpt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,maux,aux1,aux2, & aux3,2,apdq,cmapdq,cpapdq) c c # Split the correction wave into transverse propagating waves c # in the y-direction and z-direction. c if (m3.eq.2) then call rpt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,maux, & aux1,aux2,aux3,0,cqxx,bmcqxx,bpcqxx) call rpt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,maux, & aux1,aux2,aux3,0,cqxx,cmcqxx,cpcqxx) endif c c # If the correction wave also propagates in a 3D sense, incorporate c # cpcqxx,... into cmamdq, cpamdq, ... so that it is split also. c if(m4 .eq. 1)then do 145 m = 1, meqn do 145 i = 0, mx+2 cpapdq2(i,m) = cpapdq(i,m) cpamdq2(i,m) = cpamdq(i,m) cmapdq2(i,m) = cmapdq(i,m) cmamdq2(i,m) = cmamdq(i,m) 145 continue else if(m4 .eq. 2)then do 146 m = 1, meqn do 146 i = 0, mx+2 cpapdq2(i,m) = cpapdq(i,m) - 3.d0*cpcqxx(i,m) cpamdq2(i,m) = cpamdq(i,m) + 3.d0*cpcqxx(i,m) cmapdq2(i,m) = cmapdq(i,m) - 3.d0*cmcqxx(i,m) cmamdq2(i,m) = cmamdq(i,m) + 3.d0*cmcqxx(i,m) 146 continue endif c c # The transverse flux differences in the z-direction are split c # into waves propagating in the y-direction. If m4 = 2, c # then the transverse propagating correction waves in the z-direction c # are also split. This yields terms of the form BCAu_{xzy} and c # BCAAu_{xxzy}. c if( )then call rpt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,maux, & aux1,aux2,aux3,0,cpapdq2,bmcpapdq,bpcpapdq) call rpt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,maux, & aux1,aux2,aux3,0,cpamdq2,bmcpamdq,bpcpamdq) call rpt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,maux, & aux1,aux2,aux3,0,cmapdq2,bmcmapdq,bpcmapdq) call rpt3(ixyz,2,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,maux, & aux1,aux2,aux3,0,cmamdq2,bmcmamdq,bpcmamdq) endif c c # The updates-------------------------------------------------- c do 180 m=1,meqn do 180 i = 1, mx+1 c c # Transverse propagation of the increment waves c # between cells sharing interfaces, i.e. the 2D approach. c # Yields BAu_{xy}. c gupdate = 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*bmamdq(i,m) gaddm(i-1,m,1,0) = gaddm(i-1,m,1,0) - gupdate gaddp(i-1,m,1,0) = gaddp(i-1,m,1,0) - gupdate gupdate = 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*bpamdq(i,m) gaddm(i-1,m,2,0) = gaddm(i-1,m,2,0) - gupdate gaddp(i-1,m,2,0) = gaddp(i-1,m,2,0) - gupdate gupdate = 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*bmapdq(i,m) gaddm(i,m,1,0) = gaddm(i,m,1,0) - gupdate gaddp(i,m,1,0) = gaddp(i,m,1,0) - gupdate gupdate = 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*bpapdq(i,m) gaddm(i,m,2,0) = gaddm(i,m,2,0) - gupdate gaddp(i,m,2,0) = gaddp(i,m,2,0) - gupdate c c # Transverse propagation of the increment wave (and the c # correction wave if m4=2) between cells c # only having a corner or edge in common. Yields terms of the c # BCAu_{xzy} and BCAAu_{xxzy}. c if( )then c gupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * (bpcpapdq(i,m) - bpcmapdq(i,m)) gaddm(i,m,2,0) = gaddm(i,m,2,0) + gupdate gaddp(i,m,2,0) = gaddp(i,m,2,0) + gupdate gupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * (bmcpapdq(i,m) - bmcmapdq(i,m)) gaddm(i,m,1,0) = gaddm(i,m,1,0) + gupdate gaddp(i,m,1,0) = gaddp(i,m,1,0) + gupdate gupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz*bpcpapdq(i,m) gaddm(i,m,2,1) = gaddm(i,m,2,1) - gupdate gaddp(i,m,2,1) = gaddp(i,m,2,1) - gupdate gupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz*bmcpapdq(i,m) gaddm(i,m,1,1) = gaddm(i,m,1,1) - gupdate gaddp(i,m,1,1) = gaddp(i,m,1,1) - gupdate gupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz*bpcmapdq(i,m) gaddm(i,m,2,-1) = gaddm(i,m,2,-1) + gupdate gaddp(i,m,2,-1) = gaddp(i,m,2,-1) + gupdate gupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz*bmcmapdq(i,m) gaddm(i,m,1,-1) = gaddm(i,m,1,-1) + gupdate gaddp(i,m,1,-1) = gaddp(i,m,1,-1) + gupdate c gupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * (bpcpamdq(i,m) - bpcmamdq(i,m)) gaddm(i-1,m,2,0) = gaddm(i-1,m,2,0) + gupdate gaddp(i-1,m,2,0) = gaddp(i-1,m,2,0) + gupdate gupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz & * (bmcpamdq(i,m) - bmcmamdq(i,m)) gaddm(i-1,m,1,0) = gaddm(i-1,m,1,0) + gupdate gaddp(i-1,m,1,0) = gaddp(i-1,m,1,0) + gupdate gupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz*bpcpamdq(i,m) gaddm(i-1,m,2,1) = gaddm(i-1,m,2,1) - gupdate gaddp(i-1,m,2,1) = gaddp(i-1,m,2,1) - gupdate gupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz*bmcpamdq(i,m) gaddm(i-1,m,1,1) = gaddm(i-1,m,1,1) - gupdate gaddp(i-1,m,1,1) = gaddp(i-1,m,1,1) - gupdate gupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz*bpcmamdq(i,m) gaddm(i-1,m,2,-1) = gaddm(i-1,m,2,-1) + gupdate gaddp(i-1,m,2,-1) = gaddp(i-1,m,2,-1) + gupdate gupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdz*bmcmamdq(i,m) gaddm(i-1,m,1,-1) = gaddm(i-1,m,1,-1) + gupdate gaddp(i-1,m,1,-1) = gaddp(i-1,m,1,-1) + gupdate c endif c c # Transverse propagation of the correction wave between c # cells sharing faces. This gives BAAu_{xxy}. c if( go to 180 gupdate = dtdx1d(i-1)*bpcqxx(i,m) gaddm(i,m,2,0) = gaddm(i,m,2,0) + gupdate gaddp(i,m,2,0) = gaddp(i,m,2,0) + gupdate gupdate = dtdx1d(i-1)*bmcqxx(i,m) gaddm(i,m,1,0) = gaddm(i,m,1,0) + gupdate gaddp(i,m,1,0) = gaddp(i,m,1,0) + gupdate gupdate = dtdx1d(i-1)*bpcqxx(i,m) gaddm(i-1,m,2,0) = gaddm(i-1,m,2,0) - gupdate gaddp(i-1,m,2,0) = gaddp(i-1,m,2,0) - gupdate gupdate = dtdx1d(i-1)*bmcqxx(i,m) gaddm(i-1,m,1,0) = gaddm(i-1,m,1,0) - gupdate gaddp(i-1,m,1,0) = gaddp(i-1,m,1,0) - gupdate c 180 continue c c c # modify H fluxes c -------------------------------------------- c c # If the correction wave also propagates in a 3D sense, incorporate c # cqxx into bmamdq, bpamdq, ... so that is is split also. c if(m4 .eq. 2)then do 155 m = 1, meqn do 155 i = 0, mx+2 bpapdq(i,m) = bpapdq(i,m) - 3.d0*bpcqxx(i,m) bpamdq(i,m) = bpamdq(i,m) + 3.d0*bpcqxx(i,m) bmapdq(i,m) = bmapdq(i,m) - 3.d0*bmcqxx(i,m) bmamdq(i,m) = bmamdq(i,m) + 3.d0*bmcqxx(i,m) 155 continue endif c c # The transverse flux differences in the y-direction are split c # into waves propagating in the z-direction. If m4 = 2, c # then the transverse propagating correction waves in the y-direction c # are also split. This yields terms of the form BCAu_{xzy} and c # BCAAu_{xxzy}. c if( )then call rpt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,maux, & aux1,aux2,aux3,0,bpapdq,bmcpapdq,bpcpapdq) call rpt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,maux, & aux1,aux2,aux3,0,bpamdq,bmcpamdq,bpcpamdq) call rpt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,maux, & aux1,aux2,aux3,0,bmapdq,bmcmapdq,bpcmapdq) call rpt3(ixyz,3,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q1d,q1d,maux, & aux1,aux2,aux3,0,bmamdq,bmcmamdq,bpcmamdq) endif c c # The updates-------------------------------------------------- c do 200 m=1,meqn do 200 i = 1, mx+1 c c # Transverse propagation of the increment waves c # between cells sharing interfaces, i.e. the 2D approach. c # Yields CAu_{xy}. c hupdate = 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*cmamdq(i,m) haddm(i-1,m,1,0) = haddm(i-1,m,1,0) - hupdate haddp(i-1,m,1,0) = haddp(i-1,m,1,0) - hupdate hupdate = 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*cpamdq(i,m) haddm(i-1,m,2,0) = haddm(i-1,m,2,0) - hupdate haddp(i-1,m,2,0) = haddp(i-1,m,2,0) - hupdate hupdate = 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*cmapdq(i,m) haddm(i,m,1,0) = haddm(i,m,1,0) - hupdate haddp(i,m,1,0) = haddp(i,m,1,0) - hupdate hupdate = 0.5d0*dtdx1d(i-1)*cpapdq(i,m) haddm(i,m,2,0) = haddm(i,m,2,0) - hupdate haddp(i,m,2,0) = haddp(i,m,2,0) - hupdate c c # Transverse propagation of the increment wave (and the c # correction wave if m4=2) between cells c # only having a corner or edge in common. Yields terms of the c # CBAu_{xzy} and CBAAu_{xxzy}. c if( )then c hupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * (bpcpapdq(i,m) - bpcmapdq(i,m)) haddm(i,m,2,0) = haddm(i,m,2,0) + hupdate haddp(i,m,2,0) = haddp(i,m,2,0) + hupdate hupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * (bmcpapdq(i,m) - bmcmapdq(i,m)) haddm(i,m,1,0) = haddm(i,m,1,0) + hupdate haddp(i,m,1,0) = haddp(i,m,1,0) + hupdate hupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy*bpcpapdq(i,m) haddm(i,m,2,1) = haddm(i,m,2,1) - hupdate haddp(i,m,2,1) = haddp(i,m,2,1) - hupdate hupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy*bmcpapdq(i,m) haddm(i,m,1,1) = haddm(i,m,1,1) - hupdate haddp(i,m,1,1) = haddp(i,m,1,1) - hupdate hupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy*bpcmapdq(i,m) haddm(i,m,2,-1) = haddm(i,m,2,-1) + hupdate haddp(i,m,2,-1) = haddp(i,m,2,-1) + hupdate hupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy*bmcmapdq(i,m) haddm(i,m,1,-1) = haddm(i,m,1,-1) + hupdate haddp(i,m,1,-1) = haddp(i,m,1,-1) + hupdate c hupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * (bpcpamdq(i,m) - bpcmamdq(i,m)) haddm(i-1,m,2,0) = haddm(i-1,m,2,0) + hupdate haddp(i-1,m,2,0) = haddp(i-1,m,2,0) + hupdate hupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy & * (bmcpamdq(i,m) - bmcmamdq(i,m)) haddm(i-1,m,1,0) = haddm(i-1,m,1,0) + hupdate haddp(i-1,m,1,0) = haddp(i-1,m,1,0) + hupdate hupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy*bpcpamdq(i,m) haddm(i-1,m,2,1) = haddm(i-1,m,2,1) - hupdate haddp(i-1,m,2,1) = haddp(i-1,m,2,1) - hupdate hupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy*bmcpamdq(i,m) haddm(i-1,m,1,1) = haddm(i-1,m,1,1) - hupdate haddp(i-1,m,1,1) = haddp(i-1,m,1,1) - hupdate hupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy*bpcmamdq(i,m) haddm(i-1,m,2,-1) = haddm(i-1,m,2,-1) + hupdate haddp(i-1,m,2,-1) = haddp(i-1,m,2,-1) + hupdate hupdate = (1.d0/6.d0)*dtdx1d(i-1)*dtdy*bmcmamdq(i,m) haddm(i-1,m,1,-1) = haddm(i-1,m,1,-1) + hupdate haddp(i-1,m,1,-1) = haddp(i-1,m,1,-1) + hupdate c endif c c # Transverse propagation of the correction wave between c # cells sharing faces. This gives CAAu_{xxy}. c if( go to 200 hupdate = dtdx1d(i-1)*cpcqxx(i,m) haddm(i,m,2,0) = haddm(i,m,2,0) + hupdate haddp(i,m,2,0) = haddp(i,m,2,0) + hupdate hupdate = dtdx1d(i-1)*cmcqxx(i,m) haddm(i,m,1,0) = haddm(i,m,1,0) + hupdate haddp(i,m,1,0) = haddp(i,m,1,0) + hupdate hupdate = dtdx1d(i-1)*cpcqxx(i,m) haddm(i-1,m,2,0) = haddm(i-1,m,2,0) - hupdate haddp(i-1,m,2,0) = haddp(i-1,m,2,0) - hupdate hupdate = dtdx1d(i-1)*cmcqxx(i,m) haddm(i-1,m,1,0) = haddm(i-1,m,1,0) - hupdate haddp(i-1,m,1,0) = haddp(i-1,m,1,0) - hupdate cc 200 continue c return end c c c =================================================================== subroutine slope3(ixyz,maxm,meqn,maux,mwaves,mbc,mx, & q,aux,dx,dt,method,mthlim, & wave,s,amdq,apdq,dtdx,rpn3, & ql,qr,fl,fr) c =================================================================== c c Author: Ralf Deiterding c c # Implements the standard MUSCL-Hancock method, which gives 2nd c # order accuracy for conventional finite-volume schemes that return c # the numerical fluxes instead of fluctuations. c # The variable reconstruction is one-dimensional and is intended to c # be used with dimensional splitting. c implicit double precision (a-h,o-z) c dimension q(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension ql(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension qr(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension aux(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, maux, 3) dimension fl(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension fr(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension wave(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn, mwaves) dimension s(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, mwaves) dimension amdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension apdq(1-mbc:maxm+mbc, meqn) dimension dtdx(1-mbc:maxm+mbc) dimension method(7),mthlim(mwaves) external rpn3 c mlim = 0 do 90 mw=1,mwaves if (mthlim(mw) .gt. 0) then mlim = mthlim(mw) goto 95 endif 90 continue 95 continue c do 100 m=1,meqn ql(-1,m) = q(-1,m) qr(-1,m) = q(-1,m) ql(mx+mbc,m) = q(mx+mbc,m) qr(mx+mbc,m) = q(mx+mbc,m) 100 continue c if (method(2).gt.3) then call rec3(ixyz,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,q,method,mthlim,ql,qr) c c # MUSCL reconstruction with slope-limiting for conserved c # variables. Linear reconstruction: om=0.d0 c # 2nd order spatial reconstuction: om!=0.d0 c # 3rd order spatial reconstruction: om=1.d0/3.d0 c # Higher order reconstructions are not conservative! c else om = 1.d0/3.d0 do 110 i=2-mbc,mx+mbc-1 do 110 m=1,meqn call reclim(q(i,m),q(i-1,m),q(i+1,m), & mlim,om,ql(i,m),qr(i,m)) 110 continue endif c call flx3(ixyz,maxm,meqn,mbc,mx,ql,maux,aux,fl) call flx3(ixyz,maxm,meqn,mbc,mx,qr,maux,aux,fr) c do 200 i=2-mbc,mx+mbc-1 do 200 m=1,meqn ql(i,m) = ql(i,m) + 0.5d0*dtdx(i)*(fl(i,m)-fr(i,m)) qr(i,m) = qr(i,m) + 0.5d0*dtdx(i)*(fl(i,m)-fr(i,m)) 200 continue c call rpn3(ixyz,maxm,meqn,mwaves,mbc,mx,ql,qr,maux,aux,aux, & wave,s,amdq,apdq) c return end c
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