Blockstructured Adaptive Mesh Refinement in object-oriented C++
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Defines | |
#define | f_initial FORTRAN_NAME(ic_, IC, ic) |
Problem-dependent: Implements initial-conditions. More... | |
#define | f_init_common FORTRAN_NAME(combl_, COMBL, combl) |
Problem-dependent: Initialize user-defined common blocks. More... | |
#define | f_boundary FORTRAN_NAME(physbd_, PHYSBD, physbd) |
Problem-dependent: Implements boundary-conditions. More... | |
#define | f_source FORTRAN_NAME(src_, SRC, src) |
Problem-dependent: Implements source term for a fractional-step method. More... | |
#define | f_setaux FORTRAN_NAME(setaux_, SETAUX, setaux) |
Problem-dependent: Set values in auxiliary array. More... | |
#define | f_step FORTRAN_NAME(step1_, STEP1, step1) |
The main solution routine. More... | |
#define | f_init_rcommon FORTRAN_NAME(rcombl_, RCOMBL, rcombl) |
#define | f_restrict_amr FORTRAN_NAME(restrict1_, RESTRICT1, restrict1) |
#define | f_prolong_amr FORTRAN_NAME(prolong1_, PROLONG1, prolong1) |
#define | f_init_opcommon FORTRAN_NAME(opcombl_, OPCOMBL, opcombl) |
#define | f_rcflx FORTRAN_NAME(rcflx_, RCFLX, rcflx) |
Typedefs | |
typedef void(* | source_func_type )(const INTEGER &maxmx, const INTEGER &meqn, const INTEGER &mbc, const INTEGER &ibx, const INTEGER &mx, Vector_type q[], const DOUBLE aux[], const INTEGER &maux, const DOUBLE &t, const DOUBLE &dt, const INTEGER &ibnd) |
typedef void(* | setaux_func_type )(const INTEGER &maxmx, const INTEGER &meqn, const INTEGER &mbc, const INTEGER &ibx, const INTEGER &mx, Vector_type q[], DOUBLE aux[], const INTEGER &maux, const DOUBLE &cornx, const DOUBLE &dx, const DOUBLE &t, const DOUBLE &dt) |
typedef void(* | normal_func_type )(const INTEGER &maxmx, const INTEGER &meqn, const INTEGER &mwaves, const INTEGER &mbc, const INTEGER &mx, const DOUBLE ql[], const DOUBLE qr[], const INTEGER &maux, const DOUBLE auxl[], const DOUBLE auxr[], DOUBLE wave[], DOUBLE s[], DOUBLE amdq[], DOUBLE apdq[]) |
Functions | |
void | FORTRAN_NAME (ic_, IC, ic)(const INTEGER &maxmx, const INTEGER &meqn, const INTEGER &mbc, const INTEGER &mx, const DOUBLE x[], const DOUBLE &dx, Vector_type q[]) |
void | FORTRAN_NAME (combl_, COMBL, combl)() |
void | FORTRAN_NAME (physbd_, PHYSBD, physbd)(FI(1, Vector_type), BI, const DOUBLE *, const DOUBLE *, const INTEGER *, const DOUBLE *, const INTEGER *, const DOUBLE *, char *, const INTEGER *) |
void | FORTRAN_NAME (src_, SRC, src)(const INTEGER &maxmx, const INTEGER &meqn, const INTEGER &mbc, const INTEGER &ibx, const INTEGER &mx, Vector_type q[], const DOUBLE aux[], const INTEGER &maux, const DOUBLE &t, const DOUBLE &dt, const INTEGER &ibnd) |
void | FORTRAN_NAME (rcombl_, RCOMBL, rcombl)(const DOUBLE &t, const DOUBLE &dt, const DOUBLE &dx, const INTEGER &mpass) |
void | FORTRAN_NAME (restrict1_, RESTRICT1, restrict1)(FI(1, Vector_type), FI(1, Vector_type), BI, char *, INTEGER *) |
void | FORTRAN_NAME (prolong1_, PROLONG1, prolong1)(FI(1, Vector_type), FI(1, Vector_type), BI, char *, INTEGER *) |
void | FORTRAN_NAME (opcombl_, OPCOMBL, opcombl)(const INTEGER &gc) |
Definition in file ClpFunctions1.h.
Value: ( \ FI(1,Vector_type), BI, const INTEGER& meqn, INTEGER& result ) Definition at line 138 of file ClpFunctions1.h. |
Problem-dependent: Implements boundary-conditions.
Definition at line 60 of file ClpFunctions1.h. |
Problem-dependent: Initialize user-defined common blocks.
Definition at line 36 of file ClpFunctions1.h. |
Problem-dependent: Implements initial-conditions.
Definition at line 22 of file ClpFunctions1.h. |
Problem-dependent: Set values in auxiliary array.
Definition at line 124 of file ClpFunctions1.h. |
Problem-dependent: Implements source term for a fractional-step method.
Definition at line 92 of file ClpFunctions1.h. |
The main solution routine.
Definition at line 163 of file ClpFunctions1.h. |
Value: ( \ const INTEGER& maxmx, const INTEGER& meqn, \ const INTEGER& mwaves, const INTEGER& mbc, const INTEGER& mx, \ const DOUBLE ql[], const DOUBLE qr[], \ const INTEGER& maux, const DOUBLE auxl[], const DOUBLE auxr[], \ DOUBLE wave[], DOUBLE s[], \ DOUBLE amdq[], DOUBLE apdq[] ) Definition at line 129 of file ClpFunctions1.h. |
Value: ( \ const INTEGER& maxmx, \ const INTEGER& meqn, const INTEGER& mbc, \ const INTEGER& ibx, \ const INTEGER& mx, Vector_type q[], \ DOUBLE aux[], const INTEGER& maux, \ const DOUBLE& cornx, \ const DOUBLE& dx, \ const DOUBLE& t, const DOUBLE& dt) Definition at line 97 of file ClpFunctions1.h. |
Value: ( \ const INTEGER& maxmx, \ const INTEGER& meqn, const INTEGER& mbc, \ const INTEGER& ibx, \ const INTEGER& mx, Vector_type q[], \ const DOUBLE aux[], const INTEGER& maux, \ const DOUBLE& t, const DOUBLE& dt, const INTEGER& ibnd) Definition at line 68 of file ClpFunctions1.h. |
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