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ClpFunctions3.h File Reference

Interface-header to Clawpack functions and AMR routines in Fortran. More...

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#define f_initial   FORTRAN_NAME(ic_, IC, ic)
 Problem-dependent: Implements initial-conditions. More...

#define f_init_common   FORTRAN_NAME(combl_, COMBL, combl)
 Problem-dependent: Initialize user-defined common blocks. More...

#define f_boundary   FORTRAN_NAME(physbd_, PHYSBD, physbd)
 Problem-dependent: Implements boundary-conditions. More...

#define f_source   FORTRAN_NAME(src_, SRC, src)
 Problem-dependent: Implements source term for a fractional-step method. More...

#define f_setaux   FORTRAN_NAME(setaux_, SETAUX, setaux)
 Problem-dependent: Set values in auxiliary array. More...

#define f_step   FORTRAN_NAME(step3_, STEP3, step3)
 The main solution routine. More...

#define f_init_rcommon   FORTRAN_NAME(rcombl_, RCOMBL, rcombl)
#define f_restrict_amr   FORTRAN_NAME(restrict3_, RESTRICT3, restrict3)
#define f_prolong_amr   FORTRAN_NAME(prolong3_, PROLONG3, prolong3)
#define f_init_opcommon   FORTRAN_NAME(opcombl_, OPCOMBL, opcombl)
#define f_rcflx   FORTRAN_NAME(rcflx_, RCFLX, rcflx)


typedef void(* source_func_type )(const INTEGER &maxmx, const INTEGER &maxmy, const INTEGER &maxmz, const INTEGER &meqn, const INTEGER &mbc, const INTEGER &ibx, const INTEGER &iby, const INTEGER &ibz, const INTEGER &mx, const INTEGER &my, const INTEGER &mz, Vector_type q[], const DOUBLE aux[], const INTEGER &maux, const DOUBLE &t, const DOUBLE &dt, const INTEGER &ibnd)
typedef void(* setaux_func_type )(const INTEGER &maxmx, const INTEGER &maxmy, const INTEGER &maxmz, const INTEGER &meqn, const INTEGER &mbc, const INTEGER &ibx, const INTEGER &iby, const INTEGER &ibz, const INTEGER &mx, const INTEGER &my, const INTEGER &mz, Vector_type q[], DOUBLE aux[], const INTEGER &maux, const DOUBLE &cornx, const DOUBLE &corny, const DOUBLE &cornz, const DOUBLE &dx, const DOUBLE &dy, const DOUBLE &dz, const DOUBLE &t, const DOUBLE &dt)
typedef void(* normal_func_type )(const INTEGER &ixyz, const INTEGER &maxm, const INTEGER &meqn, const INTEGER &mwaves, const INTEGER &mbc, const INTEGER &mx, const DOUBLE ql[], const DOUBLE qr[], const INTEGER &maux, const DOUBLE auxl[], const DOUBLE auxr[], DOUBLE wave[], DOUBLE s[], DOUBLE amdq[], DOUBLE apdq[])
typedef void(* transverse_func_type )(const INTEGER &ixyz, const INTEGER &icoor, const INTEGER &maxm, const INTEGER &meqn, const INTEGER &mwaves, const INTEGER &mbc, const INTEGER &mx, const DOUBLE ql[], const DOUBLE qr[], const INTEGER &maux, const DOUBLE aux1[], const DOUBLE aux2[], const DOUBLE aux3[], const INTEGER &ilr, DOUBLE asdq[], DOUBLE bmasdq[], DOUBLE bpasdq[])


void FORTRAN_NAME (ic_, IC, ic)(const INTEGER &maxmx, const INTEGER &maxmy, const INTEGER &maxmz, const INTEGER &meqn, const INTEGER &mbc, const INTEGER &mx, const INTEGER &my, const INTEGER &mz, const DOUBLE x[], const DOUBLE y[], const DOUBLE z[], const DOUBLE &dx, const DOUBLE &dy, const DOUBLE &dz, Vector_type q[])
void FORTRAN_NAME (combl_, COMBL, combl)()
void FORTRAN_NAME (physbd_, PHYSBD, physbd)(FI(3, Vector_type), BI, const DOUBLE *, const DOUBLE *, const INTEGER *, const DOUBLE *, const INTEGER *, const DOUBLE *, char *, const INTEGER *)
void FORTRAN_NAME (src_, SRC, src)(const INTEGER &maxmx, const INTEGER &maxmy, const INTEGER &maxmz, const INTEGER &meqn, const INTEGER &mbc, const INTEGER &ibx, const INTEGER &iby, const INTEGER &ibz, const INTEGER &mx, const INTEGER &my, const INTEGER &mz, Vector_type q[], const DOUBLE aux[], const INTEGER &maux, const DOUBLE &t, const DOUBLE &dt, const INTEGER &ibnd)
void FORTRAN_NAME (rcombl_, RCOMBL, rcombl)(const DOUBLE &t, const DOUBLE &dt, const DOUBLE &dx, const DOUBLE &dy, const DOUBLE &dz, const INTEGER &mpass)
void FORTRAN_NAME (restrict3_, RESTRICT3, restrict3)(FI(3, Vector_type), FI(3, Vector_type), BI, char *, INTEGER *)
void FORTRAN_NAME (prolong3_, PROLONG3, prolong3)(FI(3, Vector_type), FI(3, Vector_type), BI, char *, INTEGER *)
void FORTRAN_NAME (opcombl_, OPCOMBL, opcombl)(const INTEGER &gc)

Detailed Description

Interface-header to Clawpack functions and AMR routines in Fortran.

Ralf Deiterding

Definition in file ClpFunctions3.h.

Define Documentation



( \
   FI(3,Vector_type), BI, const INTEGER& meqn, INTEGER& result )

Definition at line 149 of file ClpFunctions3.h.

#define f_boundary   FORTRAN_NAME(physbd_, PHYSBD, physbd)

Problem-dependent: Implements boundary-conditions.

u.  Array of VectorType. The data.
mx, my, mz  integer. Size of data array.
lb  integer[3]. Lower bound of data in index coordinates.
ub  integer[3]. Upper bound of data in index coordinates.
lbbnd  integer[3]. Lower bound of boundary region in index coordinates.
ubbnd  integer[3]. Upper bound of boundary region in index coordinates.
shapebnd  integer[3]. Shape of boundary region.
xc  double[3]. Geometric information of lower left corner of data.
dx  double[3]. Cell size.
dir  integer. Side of data grid of actual boundary.
bnd  double array. Geometric information of mb boundary regions.
mb  integer[mb][2][3]. Number of boundary regions. The first one is the geometry of the global grid. mb-1 internal boundary regions follow.
time  double. Actual time.
args  char[]. Auxiliary array for passing additional information. Used for number of components.
argc  integer. Number of entries in auxiliary array args.

Definition at line 60 of file ClpFunctions3.h.

#define f_init_common   FORTRAN_NAME(combl_, COMBL, combl)

Problem-dependent: Initialize user-defined common blocks.


Definition at line 36 of file ClpFunctions3.h.

#define f_initial   FORTRAN_NAME(ic_, IC, ic)

Problem-dependent: Implements initial-conditions.

maxmx, maxmy, maxmz  integer. Size of data array.
meqn  integer. Number of components in VectorType.
mbc  integer. Ghost cell width.
mx, my, mz  integer. Size of data array used for computation.
x, y, z  double arrays. Geometric information about cell centers.
dx, dy, dz  double. Size of cell.
q.  Array of VectorType. The data.

Definition at line 22 of file ClpFunctions3.h.

#define f_setaux   FORTRAN_NAME(setaux_, SETAUX, setaux)

Problem-dependent: Set values in auxiliary array.

maxmx, maxmy.  maxmz integer. Size of data array.
meqn  integer. Number of components in VectorType.
mbc  integer. Ghost cell width.
ibx, iby, ibz  integer. Consider ghost cells (0/1) when dimensioning the data array.
mx, my, mz  integer.
q.  Array of VectorType.
aux  double array. Auxiliary data.
maux  integer. Number of components in aux array.
cornx, corny, cornz  double. Geometric coordinates of lower left corner.
dx, dy, dz  double. Cell size.
t  double. Actual time.
dt  double. Actual time-step.

Definition at line 124 of file ClpFunctions3.h.

#define f_source   FORTRAN_NAME(src_, SRC, src)

Problem-dependent: Implements source term for a fractional-step method.

maxmx, maxmy, maxmz  integer. Size of data array.
meqn  integer. Number of components in VectorType.
mbc  integer. Ghost cell width.
ibx, iby, ibz  integer. Consider ghost cells (0/1) for dimensioning the data array.
mx, my, mz  integer.
q.  Array of VectorType.
aux  double array. Auxiliary data.
maux  integer. Number of components in aux array.
t  double. Actual time.
dt  double. Actual time-step.
ibnd  integer[3]. Skip the update of ghost cells (0/1).

Definition at line 92 of file ClpFunctions3.h.

#define f_step   FORTRAN_NAME(step3_, STEP3, step3)

The main solution routine.

maxm.  max(maxmx, maxmy, maxmz)
maxmx, maxmy, maxmz  integer. Size of data array.
mvar  integer. Number of components really used in Riemann solver.
meqn  integer. Number of components in VectorType.
maux  integer. Number of auxiliary components.
mwaves  integer. Number of waves used in Riemann solver.
mbc  integer. Ghost cell width.
mx, my, mz  integer. Size of data array used for computation.
qold  array of VectorType. On input: The data of the old time-step. On Output: The updated data.
aux  double array. The auxiliary data.
dx, dy, dz  double. Size of cell.
dt  Size of time-step.
method  integer[7] array. Defines the numerical method.
mthlim  integer[mwaves] array. Choice of limiters.
cfl  double. Returns the CFL-number.
fm, fp, gm, gp, hm, hp  arrays of VectorType. Returns the fluctuations or fluxes.
q1d, dtdx1d, dtdy1d, dtdz1d, aux1, aux2, aux3, work  double arrays passed to solution routine and Riemann solver.
mwork  integer. Size of work.
rpn  function of normal_func_type. Riemann solver in normal direction.
rpt  function of transverse_func_type. Riemann solver in transverse direction.

Definition at line 176 of file ClpFunctions3.h.



( \
   const INTEGER& ixyz, const INTEGER& maxm, const INTEGER& meqn, \
   const INTEGER& mwaves, const INTEGER& mbc, const INTEGER& mx, \
   const DOUBLE ql[], const DOUBLE qr[], \
   const INTEGER& maux, const DOUBLE auxl[], const DOUBLE auxr[], \
   DOUBLE wave[], DOUBLE s[], \
   DOUBLE amdq[], DOUBLE apdq[] )

Definition at line 129 of file ClpFunctions3.h.



( \
   const INTEGER& maxmx, const INTEGER& maxmy, const INTEGER& maxmz, \
   const INTEGER& meqn, const INTEGER& mbc, \
   const INTEGER& ibx, const INTEGER& iby, const INTEGER& ibz, \
   const INTEGER& mx, const INTEGER& my, const INTEGER& mz, Vector_type q[], \
   DOUBLE aux[], const INTEGER& maux, \
   const DOUBLE& cornx, const DOUBLE& corny, const DOUBLE& cornz, \
   const DOUBLE& dx, const DOUBLE& dy, const DOUBLE& dz, \
   const DOUBLE& t, const DOUBLE& dt)

Definition at line 97 of file ClpFunctions3.h.



( \
   const INTEGER& maxmx, const INTEGER& maxmy,  const INTEGER& maxmz, \
   const INTEGER& meqn, const INTEGER& mbc, \
   const INTEGER& ibx, const INTEGER& iby, const INTEGER& ibz, \
   const INTEGER& mx, const INTEGER& my, const INTEGER& mz, Vector_type q[], \
   const DOUBLE aux[], const INTEGER& maux, \
   const DOUBLE& t, const DOUBLE& dt, const INTEGER& ibnd)

Definition at line 68 of file ClpFunctions3.h.



( \
   const INTEGER& ixyz, const INTEGER& icoor, \
   const INTEGER& maxm, const INTEGER& meqn, \
   const INTEGER& mwaves, const INTEGER& mbc, const INTEGER& mx, \
   const DOUBLE ql[], const DOUBLE qr[], \
   const INTEGER& maux, const DOUBLE aux1[], \
   const DOUBLE aux2[], const DOUBLE aux3[], \
   const INTEGER& ilr, DOUBLE asdq[], \
   DOUBLE bmasdq[], DOUBLE bpasdq[] )

Definition at line 138 of file ClpFunctions3.h.

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last update: 06/01/04